Rate Last Videogame you played , write a one sentence review.

Didn't Steve Vai do the guitars on this?

Nope, some random Japanese dude (Vai did a version of the Halo theme)

Metal Gear Solid Ps1 - Played it on my PSP last night , that game is still a fucking classic
Tuxedo and Stealth Camo FTW

IMO still the best written and acted video game script of all time :headbang: (well, except for Liquid Snake, dear god are there some acting-fail moments :lol: )
Red Dead Redemption - 9/10 Pretty damn good... starts off really slow, but becomes great as it goes on.

Any of you guys play the Xbox Live Arcarde game Limbo yet? Looks cool... nice art style and atmosphere
I'm gonna retract my previous statement about Bayonetta. After playing this game extensively the last few days I actually enjoy it now. It's hard to get at first and they don't do a great job of explaining what you have to do a lot of times , which can lead to frustration. I'll say 8/10. Definitely an acquired taste though.
Over the weekend I spent twelve perfectly good dollars on a used copy of CoD:MW, got half as many hours of game, and seriously cannot believe that a few hours (especially with that much cinematic and transition nonsense) can be stretched out enough by a few unlockables and multiplayer to pass for a game. It wasn't bad while it lasted, but still seemed overpriced *at a fifth of the release-date retail price*.

Halo ODST: 5 (single player campaign)

I hate that stupid giant hub city between the chapters and all the darkness that forces you to use the glowing edges filter all the time, but I guess it adds a characteristic sadness mood to the game.

Bayonetta: 6.5
Funny silly game with cool boss fights and controls. I rank it slightly above Devil May Cry 4 and way below Ninja Gaiden 2. Girl still looks like a tranny.
^I'm opposite of that I guess , everyone has different tastes. I bought the collector's edition of Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 and barely made it through the campaign before trading it in. I love the NES ones but it was just very repetitive to me , I found Bayonetta more fun.
^I'm opposite of that I guess , everyone has different tastes. I bought the collector's edition of Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 and barely made it through the campaign before trading it in. I love the NES ones but it was just very repetitive to me , I found Bayonetta more fun.

Repetitive, indeed. But I liked the control scheme where you have to keep comboing everyone while executing the limbless ones and keep an eye on the surrounds to see if you can manage to hold the button long enough to absorb the dead enemies souls and instantly charge the special attack. Bayonetta is similar, but instead of worrying about pulling out your special and finishers to stay alive you gotta keep dodging to enter on the bullet time.

I´m not sure if I like the enemies design in Bayonetta. Just like in Devil May Cry 4, most of the time I have no idea of what are those things. But I really liked Bayonetta. 6.5 for me means that the game is good and worth playing.