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Man, I bet you guys didn't try Dead Space for more than an hour. It was a pretty fucking great game. No, it's not really scary... it's more of an action game... same thing goes for RE4 and RE5, and it didn't stop them from still being great games. So, who cares? When's the last time you actually saw a movie you thought was scary? I can't even think of one...
Doom 3 scared the absolute shit out of me when i first got it. It also coincided with the apex of me drinking a ridiculous amount off caffeine.
Only being able to use the torch with no weapon equipped was simple but fucking awesome.
Saturday night?

And I got about half way through Dead Space. Forced myself through as much of it as I could in some hope that it would start getting as amazing as it supposedly is meant to be. Nope, just got an admittedly pretty good action game that was MARKETED AS BEING A SURVIVAL HORROR.
That's the point. It doesn't actually suck as an action game in all fairness, but when the game was marketed and hyped up as being truly scary, and then all you get is a fucking action game? Come on.

And Resident Evil 4 and 5 were so different it's past the point of being hilarious.
RE4 still had a lot of menacing vibes about it, interesting sounds and sights, a massive castle where most of the soundtrack was supplied by the chanting Los Illuminatos (YEAH I SEE WHAT THEY DID THERE, AND I LIKE IT) monks, shuffling ever closer to you, their speaking on tongues not once ceasing until the room is cleared of every last one of them.
Thunderstorms and rain in a rural spanish village as the townsfolk seem perfectly content to mindlessly try and STAB YOU IN THE FACE WITH A FUCKING PITCHFORK.
There's a lot of attention paid to atmosphere, the pacing is far slower than RE5, a lot more exploratory.
Even the amount of things in the environment you can inspect is utterly minimal compared to RE4, and the atmosphere is totally different.

Totally incomparable.
I actually enjoyed Dead Space a lot more than RE5 which is saying something. Didn't have the patience with their constant whizz bang shooty everything in the spotlight bullshit tailored for those with the attention span of a 14 year old with ADHD.
Yeah, I wasn't going to buy it, then I played through RE4 Wii Edition which was probably one of the finest experiences in gaming I have ever had, then immediately went to buy RE5 in the pursuit of MOAR.
Didn't get MOAR, got a steaming pile of shit.
Think I'ma go trade it in today.
Man, I bet you guys didn't try Dead Space for more than an hour. It was a pretty fucking great game. No, it's not really scary... it's more of an action game... same thing goes for RE4 and RE5, and it didn't stop them from still being great games. So, who cares? When's the last time you actually saw a movie you thought was scary? I can't even think of one...

Of course - there's clearly no way I could disagree with you if I actually knew what I was talking about!

Man, I bet you guys didn't try Dead Space for more than an hour. It was a pretty fucking great game. No, it's not really scary... it's more of an action game... same thing goes for RE4 and RE5, and it didn't stop them from still being great games. So, who cares? When's the last time you actually saw a movie you thought was scary? I can't even think of one...

Um yeah , I beat this and every RE 1-5.
So, I'm going to admit that I never played a Final Fantasy game apart from Chocobo Racing, which is Square Enix's (Squaresoft) attempt at a kart racer (and is my favourite fucking game on the planet :headbang:);

However, I just heard this:

FUCK!! That is too awesome. Really tempting me to being playing FF series.
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So, I'm going to admit that I never played a Final Fantasy game apart from Chocobo Racing, which is Square Enix's (Squaresoft) attempt at a kart racer (and is my favourite fucking game on the planet :headbang:);

However, I just heard this:


FUCK!! That is too awesome. Really tempting me to being playing FF series.

Didn't Steve Vai do the guitars on this?