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Red Dead Redemption

Played about 4/5 hours so far, really slow start but I don't mind slow starts, I'm one of those people who actually like to see the story develop and emerge into it, instead of running around instantly and start killing everyone.

Kaomao, Dead Space is incredible, although I thought the controls were a bit awkward and I felt the scare factor faded pretty quickly. The only games that actually scare me and I mean really scare me are Silent Hill and Condemned, but mainly Silent Hill, jesus, I can't fucking play it for more than 2 hours straight at night... I swear, that's why it's genius, the drone sounds and shit coupled with the atmosphere really fucking give me a back spine chill and makes me want to quit the game... That's why I love these games, although I can't finish SH: The Room because of that :(
I also finished Dead Space some time ago and found it fantastic. I actually thought it was going to suck but it turned out I loved it.

But if you want a REAL scary game, try Penumbra 2
God of War III - 9.5/10

I don't think I have to add much to what's been said already. This game is pure kick-ass. It provides a great experience through diverse environments (from the top of a titan, to the bottom of the underworld, back to the top of mount Olympus!). Combat is action packed and the bosses are extremely interesting and don't follow a generic formula! Ending was E P I C.

One comment:

The normal mode was quite easy ( I found myself dying through falling off cliffs and ledges through being clumsy rather than in combat) whilst the Hard Mode is brutally hard (sometimes it would take 30 mins to defeat a simple battle which shouldn't really hold you up - this detracted from the experience since the narrative of the story was always being paused as I chugged through very difficult yet in truth, meaningless battles).
Too bad new Dead space won't be a survival horror.
It will be more about action.... I hope it will be killer if not I'm gonna throw a kick in EA's mouth and break all their teeth

It doesn't sound all that promising from that short summary.

Trading suspense and tension for puberty raging teens calling each other "fuckballs" in involuntary falsetto over headset mics.

It's pretty sad that I honestly do think that when developers talk about being "More focused on action".
Dead Space sucked, the sequel will suck.
Shit isn't scary when the monsters are all running around in the fucking spotlights and you have enough of a weapon arsenal to destroy a fucking planet.
Dead Space sucked, the sequel will suck.
Shit isn't scary when the monsters are all running around in the fucking spotlights and you have enough of a weapon arsenal to destroy a fucking planet.

Dead Space definitely did suck , for a lot more reasons that stated above
I never thought ammunition scarcity was scary anyway. Whee... there's obviously enough ammunition, otherwise the developers wouldn't have written several more hours of game, so I just have to look around carefully and aim well... just like in EVERY OTHER GAME EVER.

"But Dead Space is about... space, and death, and... space death stuff!" Yeah, great... a spaceship in space with things that go wrong in space and now things are trying to kill me IN SPACE. Starship Titanic had even more things go wrong in space and even a few things that wanted the player dead... and that didn't automatically make it scary, so why the hell would it work years later with worse writing and spacier graphics? The last scary moment in a game, as far as I'm concerned, was the scene in The Secret of Monkey Island where I had to search desperately for disks 23, 47, and 114 out of fear of not being able to play A GAME THAT WASN'T AWFUL. Perhaps I'm missing something essential with Resident Evil and other 'survival horror' games of that sort (for example, the part that makes me not want the main character(s) to die horrible deaths) but when the only thing scary about a game is the prospect of having to play it again I'm not inclined to call the work great.

The ammo thing obviously isn't the only complaint, I just couldn't be bothered to go on a big tirade explaining why monsters jumping out of cupboards and going BOO really loudly isn't actually truly scary, because those that like Dead Space will just go TL;DR HURR KEEP YOUR SILENT HILL 2 TO YOURSELF.

And I will say "Ok, I will."
The ammo thing obviously isn't the only complaint, I just couldn't be bothered to go on a big tirade explaining why monsters jumping out of cupboards and going BOO really loudly isn't actually truly scary, because those that like Dead Space will just go TL;DR HURR KEEP YOUR SILENT HILL 2 TO YOURSELF.

And I will say "Ok, I will."




A bit of a mouthful for that first post-cupboard moment, I know, but is that any better?

I didn´t got scared playing Dead Space but I still think it is a kickass action-puzzle FPS with a fantastic atmosphere (no pun). I loved the weapons and how everything was so dark, cold, lonely and... well, dead. The in-game floating GUI was also a very nice touch on the immersion factor.

I´m playing Bayonetta right now. It must be the silliest game ever. The girl looks like a tranny with huge legs, the soundtrack, story and dialogues are beyond terrible, but the game is actually fun and the controls are great. I would rank it above Devil May Cry 4 but way below Ninja Gaiden 2.