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Got my teeth sunk into AC: Brotherhood. Great stuff! Digging the fact that the future scooby doo team are in the Monteriggioni Villa.
Really digging Fallout New Vegas right now. Obsidian hasn't impressed me tons in the past, but it's a bit of a rough deal getting handed sequels to BioWare games, those guys are fucking geniuses.

Still have to finish Borderlands, I'm really bad for starting one game and then getting pulled into another. I have a bunch of games to finish still. :bah:
I don't remember the last time I played a video game :rofl:
..just know my all time favorites will be

Gamecube's Resident Evil 0 & Resident Evil 1

Silent Hill 1-4
Final Fantasy VII
and Parasite Eve I & II

I was never into online gaming or shooters.

Read dead redemption 9/10
John Marston is the man.... the "not real" ending with john is amazing!!!! the real ending is great, but not that much.

Chronicles of riddick - Assault on dark athena! 8/10
Bad-fucking-ass I mean it's great there's a lot of tension! and last but not least the riddick character is great ;)
Take a listen to the final credit there's a metal song that is so brutal, it starts like a death metal song (the double bass drumming is insane) and then the singers comes in, he sings clean and is great ;)
The game is made by a swedish company I guess (lotsa erikkson last names)
I gotta say Marcus was right about Mass Effect 2, I am so fucking addicted to that game right now , one of the best I've ever played. Actually kinda want to pick up Mass Effect 1 after I play through this. Also Mafia 2 and Dirt 2 , great games
I gotta say Marcus was right about Mass Effect 2, I am so fucking addicted to that game right now , one of the best I've ever played. Actually kinda want to pick up Mass Effect 1 after I play through this. Also Mafia 2 and Dirt 2 , great games

only played the mafia II demo, kinda sucked to
me...not even close to mafia I. i wish there was a HD remake of this one.

need to check mass effect i/II out!
I gotta say Marcus was right about Mass Effect 2, I am so fucking addicted to that game right now , one of the best I've ever played. Actually kinda want to pick up Mass Effect 1 after I play through this. Also Mafia 2 and Dirt 2 , great games
Yep, pick up ME1 (eg on Steam) ASAP! I did, and jizzed my pants. And after finishing ME you have to import your character in ME2 and play through it again because you get several new quests per city and lots of cool dialogues (based on the decision in part 1) you missed with the ME2-only-char. Pure awesome.

Also they say the decisions in the first game have a huge impact on ME3, but I can't give a cool example because that would be a big spoiler.
...i also started Mass Effect 2 a couple of days ago...i never liked those outer space games but this on is fuckin 10/10! I don't want it to end !!
I beat ME2 the other night.

God I can't wait for the third one now. Except stupid me started again straight away so now I have to beat it again before I can play 3 (ohnoeshwateverwillido?).

Playing Banjo Kazooie. The XBLA version is sweet, you can actually collect the ice key and all the eggs! Sucks that they only do stuff in nuts and bolts but at least it's a conclusion to the whole stop-and-swop fiasco.
i miss banjo kazooie. i'd never buy the XBLA version though even if i actually had a 360. got both kazooie and tooie still on the original n64 cartridges :D

just started playing hitman blood money, cool fucking game, love the hitman series.