Rate Last Videogame you played , write a one sentence review.

Just started on Fallout New Vegas.
It's pretty good so far, but the controls are as awkward as ever, and for some reason it's very hard to see things in the landscape.
Like I'll be staring right at something 30 feet away and I'll be scanning and squinting all over the screen trying to actually "see" it. Kinda hard to explain.

Started Vegas yesterday. I´m doing the harcore mode and I´m specialized on melee weapons, without wepons fighting & surviving (cooking haha). It´s pure gold beating the shit out of the enemies with my pure fist! :D I prefer the hardcore mode, cause it´s more realistic and I can dive more into the dangerous atmosphere.
^ I had the exact same problem with Fallout 3 when I first started, got used to it after a while though, I think its cos everything has that 'shiny' look to it (white edges).

Assassins Creed 2 - 9/10

It has taken me sooo long to get into cos the first hour or so felt like a bit of a chore and Ezio was annoying as shit to begin with, so I didn't touch it for 8 months until yesterday... Holy fuck am so glad I did, and I'm GASing for Brotherhood too now, it is that much fun... I definitely still miss the look and feel of the first game (medieval win), but the gameplay is infinitely better.
Brotherhood is great. Buy it !

Commence fapping....
Tiny Toon - Buster´s Hidden Treasure: 6/10 (Mega Drive emulator on PSP)

Pretty good plattaformer. I like the graphics and soundtrack.

crysis 1 sucked asshole, i'm reluctant to go near the sequel.

yeah, me too. Also hated Far Cry 2 and I don´t even praise the graphics. I´m much more stoked to see Unreal Engine 3

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Thinking about grabbing a Crossfire unlocked 6950 set-up after the next album gets done. I guess Crysis 2 is the natural choice for a test run!

Just played Apache Air Assault. Wayyyy too arcade to have bothered setting up with my TrackIR and X52 pro. Cliffs of Dover is almost out in the western world though... can't wait!

I'm not alone here with that air-geeky stuff. I have a trackir pro4 as well, and I personally went the HOTAS Cougar route the day i discovered on a website they sold it for something like 75 euros instead of 175... Somebody did a typo, forgot the 1, and after I bought one, put it again... Aha.

I'm currently actually training on Flight Simulator X to keep my A320 skills alive.

@Felix, and all of those who dream about it but didn't come across something equivalent :
I know it's not big news, but I don't know if the website is known on all countries or if it's only french or anything. But there is a website, www.romstation.fr, which just changed my gamer life aha.

So you just...

1 - buy that for $10 :

2 - Install they software, RomStation
3 - And download games for free and legally (at least in france, dunno how it would work for you legally but if it's not blocked for you it should be fin I guess, I don't see why our game laws would be different)

And inside it is more or less :
- installed all well known emulators for all consoles from Nes to Playstation 2, and any console like Gameboy, Gamegear, 32X, etc (but the case of PS2 is special now)
- a system ala iStore to browse through games
- the possibility to download ANY of them for FREE and 100% LEGALLY, instantly, with no need to register.

I didn't know it existed. It seems like there is a rule, at least here, tell me if it's the same for you, that allows this for any game more than 10yo. So that means there are almost all videogames we played in this. There are like 6000 SNES games, 600 PS1 games, and there is even an Arcade class where you can play thousands of arcade games. So there are all well known games in it, and thousands of unknown funny stuff hidden everywhere. I've just found a game where we recognized heavy metal tunes in the soundtrack with a friend which bourhg the lulz. With him we also played random arcade games during hours which was quite funny.

There is a system of limitation : it blocks download at 100kb/s and if you wanna improve this you have to invite people, and the more you invite, the faster you download up to 1000kb/s. That's the only limitation and I think the only deep interest in registering on the website to have an account, and even with 100kb/s you can download all snes games almost instantly, N64 in a few mns, and CDs (PS1/Saturn etc) in a few hours. If any of you is interested in installing it it would be awesome if you did through this link http://www.romstation.fr/download.php?b=125840 cause it would increase my personnal limit. It's just by confort if ever you did, that would be awesome cause i'm even considering doing fake installations on friends computers to let me download games faster for evenings with friends when you wanna try every game here and there, cause we are getting addicted to that stupid SNES games :)

The PS2 case is special : as its games are the most recent, they made a rule which was, it seems, "PS2 games before 1997 are allowed", but they had problems with uploads of more recent ones so now they are not available anymore. But the emulator is still installed in the pack. It's working i've checked it. So maybe technically you are allowed to download old PS2 games but I don't know how the rules (at least here) are about this.

I'm now starting Chrono Cross thanks to that. And for felix, all Final Fantasy are here and they are fully working :)

I'm sure you guys have an equivalent to that but I was so happy to discover this site I thought I should write this here in case it could interest someone. The site is also in english (though presentation texts should remain in french but who cares, you know all the games and the titles speak for themselves) and the games are often in USA versions anyway.

EDIT : by curiosity, I just read there is not actual legislation of the term "abandonware" and that legally a game is owned for 70 years, and that abandonwares are technically just a tolerance of the game editors since they are not selling the actual games. That's why there are many games but the PS2 case was special since there are still games sold here and there and PS2 consoles sold in supermarkets.
yeah, me too. Also hated Far Cry 2 and I don´t even praise the graphics. I´m much more stoked to see Unreal Engine 3


FC2 isn't terrible, I think the thing I hate most about it is the fact that enemies spawn as soon and you get into a vehicle in most spots, there are pretty predictable patterns to the spawning. The world is cool imo, needed more friendly villages perhaps.
Anyone playing Fight Night Champion? The story mode looks pretty cool.

FC2 isn't terrible, I think the thing I hate most about it is the fact that enemies spawn as soon and you get into a vehicle in most spots, there are pretty predictable patterns to the spawning. The world is cool imo, needed more friendly villages perhaps.

I hated driving in the jungle with that shitty map, and I´ve managed to explode my car everytime by burning everything around (with the flamethrower or molotovs) and having to go all the way on foot :lol:

That engine has been around since the beginning of this generation, that video just highlights some updates.

Yeah, I know, I expressed myself poorly.
Completely new engine or no, they are some awesome updates - the sort of little thongs that really, really help the look of a game.

I personally thought it looked pretty much just like Unreal 3, but with a higher polycount.
Take this image for example:


It was one of the earlier screenshots of the engine.. so its a huge understatement to say that the U3 Engine is far more capable then what we have seen in game so far. :)
I think that it's underutilized, mainly because most of the games made with it are console games that are then ported on to pc.
Even if they aren't then the producers can't just have a console version with shittier graphics.
I personally thought it looked pretty much just like Unreal 3, but with a higher polycount.
Take this image for example:


It was one of the earlier screenshots of the engine.. so its a huge understatement to say that the U3 Engine is far more capable then what we have seen in game so far. :)

Well that's just crap... PC has always been leaps and bounds ahead of consoles in the realm of graphics, and I definitely do not think now is the time to stop progress in the name of maintaining consistency across 5-year-old consoles that cant keep up with the demand...

It sucks that they even feel they have to do that, and (personally) I blame the significant fall in console (or PC as the case may have been)-specific titles for it.
Crysis 2 is seriously fucking good guys, holy shit

A lot of the complaints I've seen about it I'd put down to PC elitists being afraid of their favourite franchises changing in any way shape or form.
First, they bitch about the fact that Crytek only ever make games set in Jungles, so they make one set in a new location and suddenly everyone is upo in arms because it isn;'t set in the jungle..
The speed and strength suit modes are no longer selectable but woven seamlessly into certain other mechanics. Aparrently this is because OGM CRYTEK SOLD OUT TO CONSOLE MARKET, but it totally improves the flow of the gameplay, 100%.
Ties to the plot of the first game are minor so far, but the writing in all of Crytek's games has never gotten above Steven Segal movie quality. Not that I don't like me a Steven Segal movie, don't be silly, but if you're playing Crysis for plot, you are a crazy person. Although the way the narrative is PRESENTED is done pretty well.
The game's pretty linear, but it gives you plenty of choices in the routes you take, tactics you use during combat, where and how you approach and such, so it's really not all that different from Crysis 1 in that regard, this seemed to be the other big thing people were bitching about.
In Crysis 1 you had a million miles of jungle, 95% of it having nothing there for you to do, it was still funneling you down a linear corridoor, it just had the ILLUSION of being a wide open game, when it really wasn't. Crysis 2 just has less fluff that stretches on for miles, the amount of options and freedom to roam aroudd in other directions are all you actually need in the game, both games are very directed experiences. Go there, kill some dudes, watch something epic happen, continue to next place where you kill more dudes, only Crysis 2 nails the flow and pacing so much better.

What sucks is that there's literally just 3 graphics settings to chose from, no advanced options. Aparrently the config files are all very bare bones too.

The PC version is obviously a console port rather than a straight up PC game, but it's incredibly well optimised and looks fucking stunning and plays really well.
I'd recommend it to ALL O Y'ALL

and some more pics..
on extreme settings at 1440x900 btw


A lot of the complaints I've seen about it I'd put down to PC elitists being afraid of their favourite franchises changing in any way shape or form.
The speed and strength suit modes are no longer selectable but woven seamlessly into certain other mechanics. Aparrently this is because OGM CRYTEK SOLD OUT TO CONSOLE MARKET, but it totally improves the flow of the gameplay, 100%.

I'm not a PC-elitist, but i am going to go as far as to claim that all first person shooters should be made for PC and then get ported to other platforms.
There is no doubt that the good old keyboard/mouse-setup is FAR superior over gamepads for FPS games.

Also, im going to go as far as to claim that its much easier for the developers to make a game tailored for PC and then make a great port to consoles rather then the other way around.
Console games that get ported to PC _ALWAYS_ suck, but PC games that gets ported to consoles generally work out everywhere from ok->great.

And i haven't tried the game yet, so I'm not going to judge it in any way, but personally i want to have control over the suit modes.
I never experienced it as a disturbance in the flow of the game in the first Crysis.. but then again, I'm used to WAY more advanced controls(Q3:CPMA :lol:).

What sucks is that there's literally just 3 graphics settings to chose from, no advanced options. Aparrently the config files are all very bare bones too.

The PC version is obviously a console port rather than a straight up PC game, but it's incredibly well optimised and looks fucking stunning and plays really well.
I'd recommend it to ALL O Y'ALL

That sucks majorly.. again as an old school quake player i can't even play a game without fiddling around in the configs tailoring the game to my demands. :lol:

and some more pics..
on extreme settings at 1440x900 btw

Wow, i really need to play this game just for the graphics. :yow:
I just finished playing the single player in Crysis 2, and I don't think I'll be able to pick up my jaw from the floor this year. It's EXACTLY how I could ever imagine next-gen game.

There is NO way you could compare Crysis 2 to Crysis 1, Sequel is superior in the same way as A-bomb is superior to an water baloon bomb.

And seriously anyone thinking Crysis 2 is bad for any reason whatsoever is an dumbass, sorry :popcorn: