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The cutscenes in Twin Snakes are totally fucking stupid and the game is too easy with the MGS2 features. Even the voice-acting was worse somehow.

MGS1 on PS1 is the way to go.
I have to second MGS1 as well. Awesome game.

Don't forget some of the big classics :

If you have time for RPG as much as when you were a teenager, FF VIII and IX are also awesome FF games. I can play these one still today after all the PS2 and PS3 stuff.

I liked the tomb raiders ones, especially II and III.

Crash team racing was fun fun fun !

And, and, and, Soul Reaver is a forgotten game but it is AWESOME, the ambiance was epicly strange.

Also, Medievil is a classic you could play your whole life !

On a realistic level (cause playing all those games is not possible), I recommend you the Final Fantasy games, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Medievil, Soul Reaver, Metal Gear Solid.
I was gonna forget Chrono Cross, and Tenchu II. Tenchu II is an awesomely fun ninja game, and featured a level editor which brought the lulz between me and friends, in competition to do the best traps to each other when we would test our levels :)

EDIT : oh and Bushido Blade ! best blade combat game ever in my opinion :)
I will get Fallout New Vegas today, I heard about a "hardcore mode". Any of you guys checked this mode out and is it a win for the atmosphere?

It's harder , I dont know about any real difference in atmosphere though. One thing you'll notice about New Vegas is the "He/she went out looking for 'X' and never came back" quests. Way too many.

Playing Metro 2033 atm, fucking cool game! Super dark, the graphics are nice (well, the faces suck but the rest is awesome) and the enemies are wicked evil!
Medal Of Honor (2010)
I just wanted to play a single player FPS for a bit. My pc is outdated for new games, but I feel that it didn't matter too much because this game sucked. As much as I loved the original ww2 MoH on playstation and some other games in the series, I just couldn't dig this half-assed junk. The campaign is very very short, linear, and repetitive. Lame.
The cutscenes in Twin Snakes are totally fucking stupid and the game is too easy with the MGS2 features. Even the voice-acting was worse somehow.

MGS1 on PS1 is the way to go.

Agreed on all counts, they butchered the atmosphere of the first one and somehow turned Snake into a fucking uber-ninja dude in the cutscenes...

A lot of love for PSX games I see, good to know I'm not alone! :lol: +1 for MGS, MediEvil, Tenchu 2 and the FF games on PSX (VII, VIII and IX), and I'll also throw in Gran Turismo 1 and 2, Tombi (Tomba), Kula World, Ghost in The Shell, Crash 1, and Spyro 1 and 2 :tickled:

Such fucking fun games, and honestly I prefer them (as entire games) to a great many of the newer PS3/360 titles, they just felt more "complete" somehow.
Agreed on all counts, they butchered the atmosphere of the first one and somehow turned Snake into a fucking uber-ninja dude in the cutscenes...

A lot of love for PSX games I see, good to know I'm not alone! :lol: +1 for MGS, MediEvil, Tenchu 2 and the FF games on PSX (VII, VIII and IX), and I'll also throw in Gran Turismo 1 and 2, Tombi (Tomba), Kula World, Ghost in The Shell, Crash 1, and Spyro 1 and 2 :tickled:

Such fucking fun games, and honestly I prefer them (as entire games) to a great many of the newer PS3/360 titles, they just felt more "complete" somehow.

I have played ALL those games :) They are all awesome.
One of the best point'n'click games i've ever played (i had never found a good game of this style since monkey island III...). The music is AMAZING and the characters are very unique, give it a try!

I'm pretty stoked, it sounds and look amzing. I might give it a try someday. Is it long ?
I will get Fallout New Vegas today, I heard about a "hardcore mode". Any of you guys checked this mode out and is it a win for the atmosphere?

It's actually more of an annoyance than atmosphere maker.

Anyways I'm so going to buy Crysis 2. Can't believe my lousy work laptop can run game with such amazing graphics! Also the story-telling and gameplay seems incredibly amazing.

Just look at this if you don't mind some spoilers from the beginning of it:

Holy shit I'm so sold on this one!
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I must play Crysis 2.

I feel like I gotta get back into gaming, so I ordered some mega cheap games off Amazon alst night.
Timeshift, The Darkness, and Rainbow Six Vegas.
Got them for about £5 each, not too shabby.

I remember as a kid I used to go into my local branch of Game with fuck all money, come home with a game and enjoy it just as much, if not more than the expensive shit.
I can't really afford to keep up with mainstream gaming anymore so I figure checking out some titles from a few years back would be a good idea.
Anyone here played Timeshift? I remember playing the demo and it being a lot of fun.