Rate Last Videogame you played , write a one sentence review.

Bioshock 2.
Worse than the first bioshock. why do people cream over bioshock so much? it's total shit. Very clunky controls, story is shit and not told effectively, there is nothing worth playing these games. I didn't even finish Bioshock 2 before uninstalling that pile of shit. The first one was much better but that's not saying a lot.

Agreed , I didn't like the first one much , and then I rented the second and was like... ok this is exactly like the first... played maybe a half hour and was bored to tears
All games I played in the last time were kind of a disapointment. I play mostly RPGs.

Two Worlds 2 - 5/10 It began so great and getting worse more and more.

Final Fantasy 13 - 7/10 It was the first FF I´ve played...not my cup of tea, I guess. Did anyone of you played it?

I think I will try out Fallout vegas for 360, absolutely diggin Fallout 3.
Cave Story - 10/10 Utterly charming indie platformer with great story telling and game mechanics. And it's freeware... just google it if you want to play it. I header it's being redone for Nintendo 3ds.
All games I played in the last time were kind of a disapointment. I play mostly RPGs.

Two Worlds 2 - 5/10 It began so great and getting worse more and more.

Final Fantasy 13 - 7/10 It was the first FF I´ve played...not my cup of tea, I guess. Did anyone of you played it?

I think I will try out Fallout vegas for 360, absolutely diggin Fallout 3.

I have FF13 , I know a lot of people hated it but I thought it was cool. Haven't had a chance to finish it yet though , this one boss near the end keeps kicking my ass (and I have the fucking strategy guide !!). My fave Final Fantasy game is X. I also picked up another copy of Fallout 3 around Christmas time , haven't had a chance to open it yet , got maybe halfway through the game about a year ago...
This is kinda misleading. I have Windows 7 too , and yes the controller will install its drivers automatically , but that won't mean it will work with every game you want to play it with. Hell , it won't even work with Mass Effect 2. From the dude's post it sounds like he wants to use the Xbox controller to play old games with an emulator , in which case you have to buy a third party software that patches the controller or games to work with each other.

I use Joy2Key for this.
Nah man, sentinel (tech/biotic) is by far the best class in the game IMO, though I guess you were going more for a challenge, Max, which is why you picked the worst :lol: But seriously, tech armor is so fucking useful, especially when you get swarmed by those infuriating husks

I finished ME2 the other day finally , epic fucking game ! I was wondering , if you start new game+ or whatever after you beat it , do you get the bonuses from playing the game the first time , but still get to redo your choices? I made some pretty shitty choices on first run through and definitely want to redo those choices to have a better starting point for mass effect 3. Then again I haven't yet played ME1 , so I might have to play through that one and import Shepard to ME2. And yes those husks were infuriating !! Are those fuckers in the first game?
I have FF13 , I know a lot of people hated it but I thought it was cool. Haven't had a chance to finish it yet though , this one boss near the end keeps kicking my ass (and I have the fucking strategy guide !!). My fave Final Fantasy game is X. I also picked up another copy of Fallout 3 around Christmas time , haven't had a chance to open it yet , got maybe halfway through the game about a year ago...

I think FF13 is quite difficult for FF beginners...holy shit, I´m glad my controller is not broke yet..I smashed it a couple of times. Some of the bosses kicked my ass!! Now I´m in Hope´s house, met his father. The story is not bad, I didn´t expect such a deep story. All of em have some serious psychological problems, it seems :lol: Maybe I have to kick myself in the ass to continue playing it. I love the presentation, the graphics and lightning is hot.
I think FF13 is quite difficult for FF beginners...holy shit, I´m glad my controller is not broke yet..I smashed it a couple of times. Some of the bosses kicked my ass!! Now I´m in Hope´s house, met his father. The story is not bad, I didn´t expect such a deep story. All of em have some serious psychological problems, it seems :lol: Maybe I have to kick myself in the ass to continue playing it. I love the presentation, the graphics and lightning is hot.

Yeah I'm a little farther than that part , I'm fighting that weird pope - type guy , he turns into this stupid looking monster and is the cheapest fucking boss ever !! If your controller isn't smashed now , it will be at that point because I usually have saint like patience and even I wanted to smash my controller after about the 10th time fighting him... the cheapest part is that the fight is almost 20 mins long , and you won't know if your strategy worked until the last minute or so , and then you have to replay that 20 min fight all over again. SOOO annoying. Also I tried multiple times doing what the strategy guide said with absolutely no luck. That boss will also , besides being incredibly cheap , cast Doom on you and then you have 5 mins to beat him or your whole party dies , no way out of that. CHEAP
Yeah I'm a little farther than that part , I'm fighting that weird pope - type guy , he turns into this stupid looking monster and is the cheapest fucking boss ever !! If your controller isn't smashed now , it will be at that point because I usually have saint like patience and even I wanted to smash my controller after about the 10th time fighting him... the cheapest part is that the fight is almost 20 mins long , and you won't know if your strategy worked until the last minute or so , and then you have to replay that 20 min fight all over again. SOOO annoying. Also I tried multiple times doing what the strategy guide said with absolutely no luck. That boss will also , besides being incredibly cheap , cast Doom on you and then you have 5 mins to beat him or your whole party dies , no way out of that. CHEAP

I´m very well experienced with rpgs, also Japan stuff like "Lost Oddysse" (highly recommended btw) , but FF13 kills me!! The fights are so epic long and if you are not concentrated for one second, the last 30 minutes of your precious life is wasted. I don´t wanna have to take beta blockers to fucking finish a game :lol:
I´m very well experienced with rpgs, also Japan stuff like "Lost Oddysse" (highly recommended btw) , but FF13 kills me!! The fights are so epic long and if you are not concentrated for one second, the last 30 minutes of your precious life is wasted. I don´t wanna have to take beta blockers to fucking finish a game :lol:
lol I know , they are wayyyyy too long. Its why I stopped playing the game about 6 months ago and haven't gotten the stamina to pick it back up yet. What the fuck happened to games being fun entertainment lol? I payed for the game , I'd like to see the whole damn story. I felt the same way about Ninja Gaiden 2 , although eventually I got through that game.
I finished ME2 the other day finally , epic fucking game ! I was wondering , if you start new game+ or whatever after you beat it , do you get the bonuses from playing the game the first time , but still get to redo your choices? I made some pretty shitty choices on first run through and definitely want to redo those choices to have a better starting point for mass effect 3. Then again I haven't yet played ME1 , so I might have to play through that one and import Shepard to ME2. And yes those husks were infuriating !! Are those fuckers in the first game?

Cool man, glad you enjoyed it! And yeah, choice-wise you start with a clean slate if you replay using the same file, but I would definitely recommend playing ME1 first before your replay ME2, and then importing that character, as there a lot of extra conversations and a couple of extra side-quests (and yes, husks unfortunately are in the first game too, but they're at least easier to deal with because they're dumber and slower :lol: ). Oh yeah, and Wrex is way cooler as the leader of clan Urdnot than Wreav :cool:
Cool man, glad you enjoyed it! And yeah, choice-wise you start with a clean slate if you replay using the same file, but I would definitely recommend playing ME1 first before your replay ME2, and then importing that character, as there a lot of extra conversations and a couple of extra side-quests (and yes, husks unfortunately are in the first game too, but they're at least easier to deal with because they're dumber and slower :lol: ). Oh yeah, and Wrex is way cooler as the leader of clan Urdnot than Wreav :cool:

Thanks for the tip , I think I'll buy ME1 and play that first. Also did you decide to give the reaper base to Cerberus at the end? I'm sure that has a pretty big effect on ME3...
Hum. I've just discovered how ME seems to be an awesome game, considering I'm fond of science fiction.

And now I come here and read about ME again, a few hours later. I think I have to try it :)
All games I played in the last time were kind of a disapointment. I play mostly RPGs.

Two Worlds 2 - 5/10 It began so great and getting worse more and more.

Final Fantasy 13 - 7/10 It was the first FF I´ve played...not my cup of tea, I guess. Did anyone of you played it?

I think I will try out Fallout vegas for 360, absolutely diggin Fallout 3.

if you are courageous enough to enter a game with old graphics for today standards, don't think and try FFVII. Give it like 10 hours, you won't enter it easily otherwise. You'll be rewarded by an epic game, so epic almost every player who finished it will remember it for decades.
if you are courageous enough to enter a game with old graphics for today standards, don't think and try FFVII. Give it like 10 hours, you won't enter it easily otherwise. You'll be rewarded by an epic game, so epic almost every player who finished it will remember it for decades.

Of course I heared about this legendary FF game. The only thing what keep me from playing it, is the enourmus prices for the pc game and I don´t have a PS2. Is it available otherwise?
Ok I opened that extracted the folder with 7 zip , then i had to extract THAT folder , and now I can access the files in there but they are some weird file types that Windows cant open...