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Bulletstorm - I've been playing the shit out of the xbox 360 demo for this game the past week. It's so fun. Imagine if Gears of War, Halo, Mass effect, borderlands, and cod all had a baby together, the result would be Bulletstorm. I would HIGHLY recommend checking it out!

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I played the demo on xbox360 for 5 minutes and got so bored... seriously... I found it the most shit game ever made... YET another FPS but this time there is ZERO content and you have to make combos of 200 shots to the balls and buttocks to get points... yay?
I played the demo on xbox360 for 5 minutes and got so bored... seriously... I found it the most shit game ever made... YET another FPS but this time there is ZERO content and you have to make combos of 200 shots to the balls and buttocks to get points... yay?

I might not have put it quite so harshly, but after playing the demo, I do agree that the overall concept doesn't really appeal to me :D
I played the demo on xbox360 for 5 minutes and got so bored... seriously... I found it the most shit game ever made... YET another FPS but this time there is ZERO content and you have to make combos of 200 shots to the balls and buttocks to get points... yay?

I agree with Marcus. There really isn't much substance other than just being another FPS. But from a FPS standpoint, it's fun. If you're not a fan of FPS, you won't like it probably. This is just a demo, so i'm sure the campaign will have a decent storyline. But at the end of the day it IS just a FPS, obviously.

"I found it the most shit game ever made..."??? :lol: I call bullshit on that statement. There are FAR worse games out there.

I understand if you don't like FPS where you're coming from (which it sounds like you are), but there's no reason to say it's the "worst shit game ever made".
Okay, I overreacted there, not the most shit game ever made but it's a bit crappy for my likings :P I LOVE FPS, but I "grew up" with Quake I, II and HALFLIFE, those are king of FPS for me, I know the campaign might have a bit of story but you can see by the trailers there really isnt going to be much more than just... that :p
See, for me, I can play Halo or CoD multiplayer for hours and hours without much more than just running around shooting. Don't get me wrong, I love games with an intriguing storyline, but I mostly play aimless shooters. I've already prestiged twice in Black Ops, without so much as even touching the campaign whatsoever. It's just match after match of the same thing over and over, and I love it. So for me, this game (the demo so far) is a blast (no pun intended) to play! Borderlands I thought was an awesome game, but there was hardly a storyline whatsoever... it was just fun to combine elements of a RPG and a FPS. And I think that's what Bulletstorm is trying to do.

This to me just feels like a fun game and a good time waster until Portal 2 and Mortal Kombat are released. ;)
Dead Rising 2 - I'm so pissed off that I bought this. I shouldve read reviews because the first one pissed me off too. I thought for sure they wouldve done something different. It's literally the same game, reskinned, with a few new weapons and shit. Let me restart a fucking mission for god sakes, I dont wanna go all the way back to my last save point. shit is ridiculous. Not to mention you have to spend a stupid amount of time leveling up just to be able to make the game tolerable. $50 down the drain.

One sentence was not enough for this rant.

Hahaha pretty much what I gathered from the commercials is that you smack xzombies with a moose head on a stick wtf...looks even more hokey and cheesy than Left 4 Dead 2, just got that one a couple of weeks ago...meh it's ok and good for a shoot-em-up type thing but not very involved or realistic.

There's going to be a Walking Dead video game, read about that on gamespy today. Hope it's a darker and more realistic type of game than most of the zombie games I've played.

I'm such a whoreslut for Mass Effect I can't even join in on that one, I'll let Marcus take all the reporters' questions lol. slobbering for ME3 that's for goddamn sure. And the new Deus Ex. And Amnesia: Dark Descent. I have no life :lol:
I just created a thread for this in off-topic, but I figured you being all gamers might be able to answer faster and help me out...

Does anyone here use game emulators for Windows? I'm looking for Mortal Kombat II as well as Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, but I don't want to risk downloading emulators riddled with viruses or malware from sites I'm not familiar with. Are there any good emulators or sites to find these games that are safe?

Thread here: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/off-topic-tavern/669179-game-emulator-recommendations.html

Also, a second follow-up question I have is this... do any of you have experience trying to use a wired xbox 360 controller (via usb) with gaming on a Windows PC? I'm wondering how hard it is to calibrate the controller or do this. Any suggestions?
do any of you have experience trying to use a wired xbox 360 controller (via usb) with gaming on a Windows PC? I'm wondering how hard it is to calibrate the controller or do this. Any suggestions?

Ridiculously easy. On Vista and 7 you just plug and it´s ready to go. On XP you might need to get the driver on Microsoft site, but it´s quick and works.

Don´t need to calibrate, and everything work flawlessly, including vibration and all the buttons.
Ridiculously easy. On Vista and 7 you just plug and it´s ready to go. On XP you might need to get the driver on Microsoft site, but it´s quick and works.

Don´t need to calibrate, and everything work flawlessly, including vibration and all the buttons.

lol really? Guess I should have just plugged it in first and tried it before posting. :lol: Thanks!
Ridiculously easy. On Vista and 7 you just plug and it´s ready to go. On XP you might need to get the driver on Microsoft site, but it´s quick and works.

Don´t need to calibrate, and everything work flawlessly, including vibration and all the buttons.

This is kinda misleading. I have Windows 7 too , and yes the controller will install its drivers automatically , but that won't mean it will work with every game you want to play it with. Hell , it won't even work with Mass Effect 2. From the dude's post it sounds like he wants to use the Xbox controller to play old games with an emulator , in which case you have to buy a third party software that patches the controller or games to work with each other.
lol really? Guess I should have just plugged it in first and tried it before posting. :lol: Thanks!

It works fine on my xp and 7 machine.
If you want to calibrate I think you can find it in the control panel: "game controllers" something like this, I'm not at home and I don't have here at work the controller installed ;) so I don't know where the control panel shows the controllers page.
This is kinda misleading. I have Windows 7 too , and yes the controller will install its drivers automatically , but that won't mean it will work with every game you want to play it with. Hell , it won't even work with Mass Effect 2. From the dude's post it sounds like he wants to use the Xbox controller to play old games with an emulator , in which case you have to buy a third party software that patches the controller or games to work with each other.

It doesn´t work on Mass Effect 2? That´s weird. Xbox360 is basically the new default PC gamepad. Actually, in some games, specially the ones that use GFWL, it´s the only gamepad that they´ll accept.

I use it with all my emulators and it works great:
Mame, Gens, Nestopia, Zsnes, Maximus Arcade, Future Pinball... I´ve yet to cross a game where it doesn´t work. Even on Black Ops it works.
Dead Space 2: 7.5/10
It´s just like the first one, but with much less story, characters, bosses, puzzles, traps and variety of challenges. If you loved Dead Space 1 you'll like this one, as it has the same great graphics, sounds, controls, HUD, gore, etc, just much less criativity and variety.

Splatterhouse: 6/10
I had plenty of fun playing Splatterhouse. It´s pure metal and extreme gore. The soundtrack actually is death metal, with vocals and everything. It´s very repetitive, not much original and the puzzles are obvious like most 3D action brawlers, but at least the controls are great, the graphics are good and the sound is awesome. Thumbs up for the 2D parts that pays tribute to the original game.

Castlevania - Lords Of Shadow: 4/10
This game is a shame. They´ve took the best 2D action game and turned into a very mediocre 3D action game. The graphics are pretty good and the controls work, but everything screams cliché. Dante´s Inferno was a clone of God Of War, but at least it was a good one. Castlevania lacks everything even when compared to Bayonetta and Devil May Cry 4. It´s playable, and even an ok game, but the story sucks, the characters are stupid and there´s not even gore to compensate.

Guitar Hero - Warriors Of Rock: 8/10
It´s Guitar Hero, I like it. It has a pretty good setlist with plenty rock, grunge and metal, and a silly story mode that is more fun than the "carreer" or "world tour" from previous games.
It doesn´t work on Mass Effect 2? That´s weird. Xbox360 is basically the new default PC gamepad. Actually, in some games, specially the ones that use GFWL, it´s the only gamepad that they´ll accept.

I use it with all my emulators and it works great:
Mame, Gens, Nestopia, Zsnes, Maximus Arcade, Future Pinball... I´ve yet to cross a game where it doesn´t work. Even on Black Ops it works.

Yeah it doesn't work with ME2 , there is no gamepad support , you need to use the keyboard and mouse. Same with Mafia 2. Quite a few games on steam believe it or not

Castlevania - Lords Of Shadow: 4/10
This game is a shame. They´ve took the best 2D action game and turned into a very mediocre 3D action game. The graphics are pretty good and the controls work, but everything screams cliché. Dante´s Inferno was a clone of God Of War, but at least it was a good one. Castlevania lacks everything even when compared to Bayonetta and Devil May Cry 4. It´s playable, and even an ok game, but the story sucks, the characters are stupid and there´s not even gore to compensate.

Have to disagree here, I thought Dante's Inferno was a complete shameless ripoff of GOW 3 , minus all the fun and cool character. From the demo of Castlevania it seemed like a much better job , and less of a GOW clone. But I haven't played the full game yet.
Bioshock 2.
Worse than the first bioshock. why do people cream over bioshock so much? it's total shit. Very clunky controls, story is shit and not told effectively, there is nothing worth playing these games. I didn't even finish Bioshock 2 before uninstalling that pile of shit. The first one was much better but that's not saying a lot.