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same here. i am amazed at the amount of hype these titles get. just like black ops, which was truthfully is a pretty shit game.

I agree , but this game is a LOT better than black ops. That game has been practically the same since COD4 , at least this game makes quite a few changes from its predecessor.
It's not Crysis 2, but recently I've been playing a lot of League of Legends. My review? "I'll start my homework after this game ...."
I was not a fan of the original Crysis at all and hated Black Ops, but I actually enjoy Crysis 2 a lot more I thought I would. I would not call it awesome yet, though, but I'm not even halfway in the campaign, I hope it keeps gettting better.
It's my hope that Portal 2 and Mortal Kombat 9 will redeem recent shitty releases.

Portal 2 im not sold about yet.. I mean portal 1 was awesome, but a part of what made it awesome was its simple feel. now with portal 2 im afraid they will build too much onto the foundation.

But lets see.. have not seen or read anything about it yet, so it may have some sweet new ideas.

Now Mortal Kombat 9, so looking forward to it.. gonna pick up it up as soon as it released and buy a second controller for my xbox so me and my girlfriend can unleash the brutality together haha.
Bulletstorm(PC-version) - 0/10

This game is officially the worst first person shooter i have ever played in my life.
The controls where completely retarded, the cutscenes where horrible, the way you get locked in to situations and have to press the button the screen tells you to is fucking lame(Seriously, people honestly think of this as "interactive"?), no matter what mouse settings i used i ended up having really bad mouse performance.
Simply put, the game was bad in it self, and the porting from console to PC might very well be the worst one i have ever seen.
It was such a mindnumbingly painstakingly buttfucking horribly bad game that i wish that i could get a brain enema to rid my brain of ever even trying this game.

Congratulations People Can Fly, you just managed to make the worst first person shooter _EVER_.
If a game got any worse, it would actually give you cancer.
People Can Fly also made one of the best first person shooters ever. Those of you who haven't played Painkiller should immediately do so.

And William, since when has Valve released a game if it was anything less than mindblowingly awesome? I have the purest of faith in Portal 2, will probs buy on day one.
People Can Fly also made one of the best first person shooters ever. Those of you who haven't played Painkiller should immediately do so.

Yeah, Painkiller was amazing(Especially the deathmatch.).. but honestly, i couldnt imagine a game getting any worse then Bulletstorm, god damn, i want my time back.
Come on, it was not that bad! I'd give it at least 7/10 (xbox version)

Yes, it is that bad.
I have played/tried at least 150 different first person shooters by now, and i am dead serious when i say that this one takes the retard cake.
Again, i rated the pc version.. but i still have a hard time believing its that much better on the xbox.
Yes, it is that bad.
I have played/tried at least 150 different first person shooters by now, and i am dead serious when i say that this one takes the retard cake.
Again, i rated the pc version.. but i still have a hard time believing its that much better on the xbox.

Strange, my friend has finished the game last week on PC and he claims that it's one of the best entertaining fps games that came out recently. I count on his taste of games and gonna give it a go on my PS3 soon. We all have different tastes though.

PS: I didn't like mega-hyped Crysis 2 that much. :loco:
I can tell Epic games had way more input on Bulletstorm than they should have, everything about it screams that it's reaching for the fratboy Halo and CoD party demographic.
Lewd, crude and dumb as fuck. I liked the whole idea of score based, arcade-y gameplay that you can play in chunks and keep bettering your high scores with, but eh, I am going to steer clear.
Can we leave the tactical, large scale, team base games to DICE and the arcade-y stuff to People Can Fly?
But seriously, I think it's about time someone took CliffyB hostage and left a ransom note saying "Stop making games for dumbfuck fratboys and we shall return your leader."
Strange, my friend has finished the game last week on PC and he claims that it's one of the best entertaining fps games that came out recently. I count on his taste of games and gonna give it a go on my PS3 soon. We all have different tastes though.

PS: I didn't like mega-hyped Crysis 2 that much. :loco:

The game would probably be a little bit entertaining if it allowed reasonably good mouse settings, but the only way to hit things well in this game was to turn on those terrible aim-aid options that was left in the game from console(A sidenote is that i have pretty damn good aim otherwise.).
Then there was one of the other things i hate about computer games: When your opponents can swallow a whole mag without a single miss without dying.

Ah, fuck it.. no point in me ranting more about this game, but the absolute biggest downer for me was the horrible port from console to PC.
Im pretty sure that its ALLOT better on xbox/ps3, but there where other flaws dragging it down as well.

I can tell Epic games had way more input on Bulletstorm than they should have, everything about it screams that it's reaching for the fratboy Halo and CoD party demographic.
Lewd, crude and dumb as fuck. I liked the whole idea of score based, arcade-y gameplay that you can play in chunks and keep bettering your high scores with, but eh, I am going to steer clear.

That was pretty much my opinion as well.
The game looked MUCH better then what it actually was.
Can we leave the tactical, large scale, team base games to DICE and the arcade-y stuff to People Can Fly?
But seriously, I think it's about time someone took CliffyB hostage and left a ransom note saying "Stop making games for dumbfuck fratboys and we shall return your leader."

I wouldn't call BF games tactical.............semantics.

You find out where Mr.Blezenski lives, I'll skullfuck him :muahaha: