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:lol: Why? You aren't forced to play it, are you?
I like the Singleplayer campaigns (i.e. in BC2), it's a possibility to learn the controls (if they are any different), weapons, walking speed, general feeling of the game etc.
I'm just kidding, I usually prefer single player campaigns.
It's the fact that this game is being developed after bad company that has me nervous.
The past few years I have begun enjoying strong single player experiences more than multiplayer.
All the cheating, flaming and especially laming players annoy the shit out of me. I start to shout really loud in front of my computer and I realized that getting angry as hell isn't really what I want to do in my free time. :D
An example: The Squad Deathmatch mode in Bad Company 2. Often there are only 2 or 3 squads on this really tiny map. It's a lot of fun, because there are no / fewer lame snipers and you don't need to have to have camping or helicopter skills to get a good K/D ratio, just good aim+reaction. So far so good.
But every few rounds, one fucking asshole - mostly players with very few kills - takes the one tank on the map and decides to shoot every goddamn house (and the players in it). It takes a few minutes until someone chooses engineer/sniper with C4 (because most are playing as assault) and blows the fucker to hell.

I'm just kidding, I usually prefer single player campaigns.
It's the fact that this game is being developed after bad company that has me nervous.
Haha I hear ya. I enjoyed Battlefield 1942 and BF 2 (and it's whole Gameplay) a lot, and needed some time to adapt to Bad Company.. In the end I liked it, too. It's different but not necessarily less fun, imho.
I said it before but I'd love BF2 with the frostbite engine (physics+graphics).. and it seems BF3 could be that game.
Sorry but what's QTE? Didn't get the abbreviation. BF3 looks pretty awesome to me. What are you finding so bad about the single player guys?

Quick Time Event

Those things that are in pretty much every game in existence nowadays that boils down to "Press X to not die."
That is not interactivity, that is fundamentally bullshit and totally not living up to the potential of an interactive medium.
i got bad company 2 just for its multiplayer, but i nowadays i wouldn't generally do that
BC2 was definitely money well spent though, fantastic mp
Quick Time Event

Those things that are in pretty much every game in existence nowadays that boils down to "Press X to not die."
That is not interactivity, that is fundamentally bullshit and totally not living up to the potential of an interactive medium.

You're all a bunch of lonely single-player n00bs :D

Nah, all bad trolling aside, beating a bunch of pre-programmed enemies in a fairly predictable and repetitive setting feel so mundane. That's probably an over-generalisation I guess, and I do enjoy a good single-player game but being good in a multi-player game brings a totally different satisfaction and so does having fun with your friends on-line, even if you're not that good.
You're all a bunch of lonely single-player n00bs :D

Nah, all bad trolling aside, beating a bunch of pre-programmed enemies in a fairly predictable and repetitive setting feel so mundane. That's probably an over-generalisation I guess, and I do enjoy a good single-player game but being good in a multi-player game brings a totally different satisfaction and so does having fun with your friends on-line, even if you're not that good.

It is a totally different experience, but I enjoy playing singleplayer the same way i enjoy reading a book from start to finish. Also, I have to work hard to curb my addiction to online gaming because I really enjoy the challenge of playing against good players. I like objective based team games, but it is extremely frustrating when everybody is trying to play deathmatch. I enjoy supporting an entire team, not my k/d ratio.
This is why it's good to get into a clan with a teamspeak or ventrilo server and start working with them as a team, it's great fun :D
Exactly. Play with a few friends and if you don't have friends that play whatever you're playing go with random allies just long enough to find some decent dudes willing to join you as a team :)
You're all a bunch of lonely single-player n00bs :D

Nah, all bad trolling aside, beating a bunch of pre-programmed enemies in a fairly predictable and repetitive setting feel so mundane. That's probably an over-generalisation I guess, and I do enjoy a good single-player game but being good in a multi-player game brings a totally different satisfaction and so does having fun with your friends on-line, even if you're not that good.

Considering that 99% of all players today are worse then pre-programmed enemies i dont get your argument at all. :lol:
Nah, but seriously.. multiplayer is dead to me, the talented players are hidden on locked quake and counter-strike servers and never appear in any big matches any more.
Considering that 99% of all players today are worse then pre-programmed enemies i dont get your argument at all. :lol:
Nah, but seriously.. multiplayer is dead to me, the talented players are hidden on locked quake and counter-strike servers and never appear in any big matches any more.

This does seem partly true, it's increasingly hard to find 'good' players on pub servers. I've never wanted to dedicate to doing the whole clan thing, as I don't see the point in it unless it will turn a profit, and i don't think i'm that good. I'm not into all the little glitch/exploit shit that it seems becomes cool to do in that scene. I like playing straight up vanilla on as even a playing field as possible.
Maybe it's me getting older and older but after some time hearing some girly voiced teenagers calling everyone around(including myself :D) a fag and etc kinda too annoying to keep playing mp shooters. Maybe it's just me, but after playing some halo i won't even touch mp shooters again.

In general I feel there's too much low-intelligence teenager influx in online gaming, and as much as online shooters(and online anything for that matter) was very fun and pleasant, now it's just facepalm train at the stupidity of 12 years old kiddos.

About the QTE, as much as it doesnt happen every two minutes it's not THAT bad, I mean in Crysis 2 I've had it happen like two or three times total, wasn't bothered by it at all. And yeah BF3 looks sweet too!
Once you ditch consoles, you generally end up ditching the squeaky voiced teenager crowd.
Haha first thing I do (if it's possible *grml*) is turn off the voice chat. 95% of those assfucks blabbering *all* the time makes me insane.
I need to hear the goddamn footsteps. :lol:
And since I mostly play on European servers because they're a bit faster with my crappy connection, nearly all players speak a horribly bad english. 12-yr old school quitters with super high pitched voices trying to insult other players in english is only funny for about 2 seconds.

I encountered the most pleasing people to play with in Guild Wars. Mostly adults, sometimes even in their 40s.. it's like taking a holiday after the kindergarten flamewars in shooters.