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+1 to the awesome fun of Painkiller here. Easily one of the best twitch shooters I've played recently. Nice character design, awesome weapons and surprisingly good graphics, even now :yesway:
Funny how crysis 2 how is getting all this rave here.
Always thought of crysis as the "crabcore" band of games.. very average gameplay warped in beautiful graphics and eye candy.

Is crysis 2 really that much better gameplay wise ?

Let me explain:

Crysis 1 was game where GFX dudes masturbated to the fact that for example when you launched a rocket from the rocket launcher the flora around would react to it. The game itself overall doesn't look THAT good but it's the fact that it has those things for graphics geeks and the fact that it abuses PC rigs to their limit that made it so popular.

Now Crysis 2 is actually criticized for missing those details from Crysis 1, but in my opinion overall game looks bit more realistic, ,,moviey"(if such word even exists, you should know what I mean).

The thing is, Crysis 2 is so dynamic(ie so much shit going on all the time and you are playing all the way through it, the game won't interrupt your play just to show you some cutscene of a falling building - it just happens) and you can do so much fun shit(like Gareth said, sliding into enemies, knocking them off their feet or just blowing their heads off with a shotgun :Smokedev:) that it just makes really fun gaming. It's really the fact that they managed to combine good gameplay(waay better than Crysis 1, no comparison here) and that action-film feel to it that makes it a great game.

Now if you dislike it, it's fine, for me it was one of the best experiences in the recent gaming(and I'm fanboy of oldies, 2d games like fallout 1,2 and such, games which had that ,,gaming soul" in them, and I know not everyone likes old good fallout duo that I praise above anything, that's fair too).

Comparing it to Crysis 1 gfx-wise is a GFX-nerd move, fine, but saying Crysis 2 is shitty is kinda dick move to be honest.

I'm just happy that after all those years someone finally made a game that blown me away.
I loved both of the Crysis games equally in their own ways. Crysis 1 for its open-ness, Crysis 2 for its linearity and stylisation. Both equally cool in their own rights. But I am not one to compare anything anymore. I tend to just enjoy whatever I am listening to/watching/playing for what it is now, rather than for what it isn't.

I had some pretty tactical times on BF2 also Tom.. :D
I cannot even finish the fucking game, keeps crashing on the second to last mission. Fucking thing.

Could be because I haven't restarted my computer in about a month..
Just finished the Mass Effect 2 : Arrival DLC... it was pretty meh tbh. Also I was constantly getting lost, the level design was pretty horrible on this one (on top of the fact that all the location art assets were copy pasted so you'd be running in circles thinking you are going somewhere new...)
Just got Bad Company 2 for PC in the post, so any other BC2 PC players make yourselves known to me!
Just finished the Mass Effect 2 : Arrival DLC... it was pretty meh tbh. Also I was constantly getting lost, the level design was pretty horrible on this one (on top of the fact that all the location art assets were copy pasted so you'd be running in circles thinking you are going somewhere new...)
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Bought it the minute it was online, but I can't fucking play it because a friend of mine has borrowed my Mass Effect 2 DVDs and he lives in another town :lol: DAMNIT!
I was so looking forward to this.. man. On the bright side, the waiting isn't as hard as before now, hehe. How long did it take you to finish it?
Eh, I could totally go for a really well done SP campaign, but yeah, MP should be the focus.

do you have bad company 2 tom?
That's what I'm worried about, the fact that they haven't shown any multiplayer yet would suggest it is not the main element of the game.

I've only played the demo of the first one.
That's what I'm worried about, the fact that they haven't shown any multiplayer yet would suggest it is not the main element of the game.

I've only played the demo of the first one.
I read a preview article with an interview on a german games site and the multiplayer will (as always) be the main component. They wanted to create a cool(er) single-player with about 12h playtime for the guys that normally wouldn't buy a Battlefield game. Also the story is supposed to be more serious and realistic, with less funny parts than i.e. BC2 - which I actually liked a lot, they made the SP in Bad Company really interesting imho.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Bought it the minute it was online, but I can't fucking play it because a friend of mine has borrowed my Mass Effect 2 DVDs and he lives in another town :lol: DAMNIT!
I was so looking forward to this.. man. On the bright side, the waiting isn't as hard as before now, hehe. How long did it take you to finish it?

Not sure , a few hours maybe ? Most of that was running in circles lol. I'm gonna replay it in a few and see if my opinion changes , since I know what to do and where to go now.
I am sure the MP in BF3 will be kickass. Just hoping it's not a cutscene fest like most games nowadays.
Stop taking the controls out of my hands, goddamnit!