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Well, I haven't played shooters in ages but in Starcraft 2, for example, most people I talk with are in their mid-20s and whiny teens aside, there are quite a few decent folks you can come across.
Well, I haven't played shooters in ages but in Starcraft 2, for example, most people I talk with are in their mid-20s and whiny teens aside, there are quite a few decent folks you can come across.

Yep but there's still too many whiners/morons there, I meet at least 2 or 3 per session on the ladder. Not even going to start about custom games :(
Final Fantasy XIII - 8/10 so far, haven't played much but the game's supposedly dreadful linearity is quite bearable, but as always, haters gonna hate. Awesome graphics and storytelling (even though it gets really cliché at times, but even them it doesn't seem to take itself so seiously so all is fine).
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (PC) - 9/10

Epicly made game, not a crappy sequel, good story, further improves the series, qwop ending.

I fucking love these games.
Final Fantasy XIII - 8/10 so far, haven't played much but the game's supposedly dreadful linearity is quite bearable, but as always, haters gonna hate. Awesome graphics and storytelling (even though it gets really cliché at times, but even them it doesn't seem to take itself so seiously so all is fine).

I really couldn't stand it. I played for about three hours, and got bored. The fact that the dude with the bandana is such a fucking douchenozzle did not help at all either :lol:

Compared to the first 10 games, it just doesn't compare (graphics aside; those were excellent).
Starcraft 2 - 8/10.

Slow poke.. but yeah great game, love the enhancements to the old system.
Only thing thats bad is the terran only part as im a sucker for tyranids.. Eh I mean Zerg :D
I really couldn't stand it. I played for about three hours, and got bored. The fact that the dude with the bandana is such a fucking douchenozzle did not help at all either :lol:

Compared to the first 10 games, it just doesn't compare (graphics aside; those were excellent).

lol @ 3 hours.
You haven't even scratched the surface. I'm guessing you barely got to the point where they became l'Cie's. So the game hasn't even really begun for you.

I'm somewhere around 60 hours and I haven't finished it yet, though I've been doing sidequests for several hours now.
Any RTS fans play Dawn of War II or Company of Heroes? CoH is still the best RTS game ever made in my opinion.
Are you forgetting Total Annihilation?

If I had a more powerful pc I'd be all over that shit, but alas my iMac's geforce 9400 mobile can only just handle wow on full res........fml
lol @ 3 hours.
You haven't even scratched the surface. I'm guessing you barely got to the point where they became l'Cie's. So the game hasn't even really begun for you.

I'm somewhere around 60 hours and I haven't finished it yet, though I've been doing sidequests for several hours now.

Yeah but see that's my point...

It is ridiculous that after three hours of play, I am bored shitless with the game because of something like that... All (and I mean ALL) of the previous FF games were well and truly into gameplay after an hour to an hour and a half of introduction at worst, and none of them suffered the same level of utter banality in the character personalities or level layout.
Yeah but see that's my point...

It is ridiculous that after three hours of play, I am bored shitless with the game because of something like that... All (and I mean ALL) of the previous FF games were well and truly into gameplay after an hour to an hour and a half of introduction at worst, and none of them suffered the same level of utter banality in the character personalities or level layout.

Maybe you're just getting older and have had a lot more exposure to faster paced storylines since originally playing other FF titles? I'm just saying that if someone picked up FF XIII 10 years ago, I'm sure they would feel the same way about it as some people do about FF 7 or 8 or 10 nowadays. I'm a huge fan of the series, and each one is unique and different, but I would NOT call XIII weak. Now, X-2 I would call weak. Pft.
I did feel the same way about 10, but thankfully for 10 it had interesting characters and a really awesome story to carry it through (that actually pulled you in from the start), whereas even the characters in XIII made me want to hurl my TV through the window :lol:

I dunno, maybe that is a part of it, but I really do think that XIII is the weakest game of the series (bar X-2, that was atrocious...). It takes WAY too long getting into, and not just by FF standards IMO.

EDIT: I will say that I actually thoroughly enjoyed 12 as well. Haven't finished it yet, but just as a game it's a hell of a lot better paced in every regard, and the way world was designed is much more interesting to actually walk around in.
^ I say just give it a chance. It does take a lot longer to get into than most other FF games, but like I said, I wouldn't call the storyline the worst. This is probably one of the longest FF games they've made, and just like a 4 hour movie would, the storyline takes a while to build up. They are making a XIII-2 that is coming out later this year that picks up where this one leaves off. I think they ran out of time with 13 and had to release it and now they are finishing it. I was happy with the way 13 ended somewhat, but I can't wait to see 13-2. I think it's going to be much faster paced now that it's built up the story of Cacoon and the L'cie. It doesn't look like a 'fail' like X-2 was.