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I may pick it up again later, but I won't lie, I have very little (read: no) enthusiasm for it... I kept hoping that just after the next cut scene would be better, and then captain douchebag was introduced, I suffered through as much as I could take, and then just put it down to play Assassins Creed II :lol:
I keep hearing "it gets better about 20 hours in!" with FFXIII.

Yeah.. That's not really a good thing.
Yeah but see that's my point...

It is ridiculous that after three hours of play, I am bored shitless with the game because of something like that... All (and I mean ALL) of the previous FF games were well and truly into gameplay after an hour to an hour and a half of introduction at worst, and none of them suffered the same level of utter banality in the character personalities or level layout.

The Xbox version requires 4 discs and that should've given you an idea/warning how big it is.
I really feel you haven't given it a fair chance at all and shouldn't rant about thin plots and bad character personalities.
I'm a huge FF fanboy; got through most of FFXIII (it's true, the storyline DID get better) until the very very end then it just became extremely annoying to me. 5-10 minute battles with standard mobs!? Are you fucking serious?
Not to sound like a bit of a wuss but fuck me; it just became tiring for the minimal amount of gain.
Red Alert 2 wants a word with you. (Or maybe it's just the nostalgia talking).

I agree though CoH is pretty good.

Red Alert 2 (and the first Red Alert, which I prefer due to notalgia reasons) is a great game! I fired it up recently for an upcoming LAN with some mates.
However, compared to a game like CoH, its mechanics are pretty shallow. Nonetheless, very good cheesy fun :D
FF7, 8 and 9 all had 4 discs and didn't take 20 bours to hit its stride... admitt3dly they were psx games, but seriously, no game should take that long to get into... I also played it on ps3 - 1 disc.
I'm a huge FF fanboy; got through most of FFXIII (it's true, the storyline DID get better) until the very very end then it just became extremely annoying to me. 5-10 minute battles with standard mobs!? Are you fucking serious?
Not to sound like a bit of a wuss but fuck me; it just became tiring for the minimal amount of gain.

lol... yeah my wife and I used the guide so much to get through those boss and end battles. Redic.
Red Faction: Guerrilla - 7/10

I don't think it's as concise as it could have been, especially story wise, but the gameplay is good and the landscape (while sparse, which can be a little draining) feels wholly appropriate for a Mars colony. Rad weapons too, I jusgt wish that they'd stick with one character for more than a single game :(
Tiberian Sun >>>> all other C&C's
you know its da troof

Nah, for me Red Alert 1 brings back so many childhood memories and had a great story iirc but I'd say Red Alert 2 is overall the best one. It even has the best agent Tanya, period.

That is why I dig Tiberian Sun so much Shadow_Walker (IF THAT IS YOUR REAL NAME!!!!!) Childhood memories of buildin' bases and the oh so specific atmosphere the game makes me think of. :D
Just beat the Chaos campaign in Dawn of War 2 Retribution, and now I can feel the warp overtaking me...it is a good pain.
It took me roughly 40 minutes to beat the Great Unclean One. It was one fucking tough battle. Need to get my hands on Retribution once I have some spare cash.
I won't spoil it for you then Brutalism, but do play the Chaos campaign...

I think the voices are cheese to the max but so is GW in general. Some cool well loved characters appear in Retribution, if you're W40K fans you'll surely love it. The missions themselves are pretty recombinant though, as are the locations (same stuff from the previous two) but there's lots to do. Must finish other campaigns as well.
i really liked dawn of war 1, but DoW 2 wasn't getting me that hot under the collar, but i am more into base building than assaulting. did look pretty cool though! if i can get DoW 2 cheap, would you chaps say it is worth me picking it up?