Rate Last Videogame you played , write a one sentence review.

Yeah I've heard Homefront is pretty shitty , which sucks because it looked like it could have been cool. Why did you buy it before looking at reviews lol?
Yeah I've heard Homefront is pretty shitty , which sucks because it looked like it could have been cool. Why did you buy it before looking at reviews lol?

i got both from the video/games/porn rental store.
renting a game for one day is bout 1-2,50€, depends on the title etc.
much cheaper than to buy the games, especially when you find out that the game sucks. the last game i bought was far cry 2 and i wanted to kill everyone
who was involved creating, testing and reviewing it! :lol:
Well, I have been playing this for years, currently 446 hours on it.

Team Fortress 2 - 10/10

I dare to rate this 10/10 as it's probably the best multiplayer game i've ever played. Although currently it's riddled with new items so getting used to it might be hard for beginners. But when you get into it, and have a non-retarded team, it's so damn much fun. (fuck your one sentence rule)

It's currently 6,99€/$10 on Steam and is also available on Mac.

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the missions i made were also boring as hell, go there, then go there and then go there and not much in between.

How can you possibly say this about Crysis 2 after admitting to liking the first one? :lol:

But i can totally understand how someone wouldnt like Crysis 2(I really liked it though.).. but how someone could like the first one is a complete mystery for me. :D
Just Cause 2
I never played the first just cause but this was kinda fun. beat the main story (holy shit it's goofy) in two days and the rest is pretty repetitive. This game is almost exactly like Mercenaries 2, except it lacks the awesome airstrikes, and I actually bothered to finish M2 to 100%.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Very good atmospheric game. You do not have weapons and can only run/hide from creatures. Lots of people said they shit themselves, but it was just more tense to me rather than shitting myself scared. There was a few jump-scare parts that almost got me. They just released a free expansion for Valve's ARG related to the release of Portal 2 - it's really good so far even though you can't save and dying instantly exits the game. interesting....

Will I ever be able to finish a GTA game before losing interest?
My biggest gripe is not being able to start a mission AT THE MISSION when you retry. Worst part about GTA series is driving fucking cars. it's bullshit.

Aliens VS Predator
I got this on sale for like $5 because I loved the old one so much. This game is kind of a piece of shit even though I feel bad about saying that.
After giving it a chance, it's just a big clunky console port mess. It's obviously dumbed down for abxy button usage. You have to HOLD your action key to even do anything. why not just tap it real quick?!! they introduced a fucking lame melee 'feature' where you can block alien attacks and knock aliens to the ground with a pisol whip - WHAT THE FUUUCK??? also, it's bullshit because an alien like 3ft away will initiate a melee attack it kinda locks onto you and you can't really run away since the hit will register anyway. hell with that shit. the flamethrower fucking sucks assholes and is only good for blowing up facehugger pods. you have three weapon slots, when you pick up the smart gun, it takes over the two other weapon slots besides your pistol - you lose your fucking guns. DAMMIT.

Killing Floor
I've been playing this one for a while and it's always pretty good. you basically hold of waves of evil creatures with 5 other teammates and level up your stats for whatever class you picked. between waves you can spend cash earned from critter killin' to buy weapons/armor etc... this game can get pretty tense sometimes. very good.
How can you possibly say this about Crysis 2 after admitting to liking the first one? :lol:

But i can totally understand how someone wouldnt like Crysis 2(I really liked it though.).. but how someone could like the first one is a complete mystery for me. :D

why i liked crysis? i love jungle settings, sneaking through the woods and
killing one soldier after another and then destroying their camp was just awesome. sure the "go there and go there" was also very present like it is in basically every gama, haha but in C1 there was much more in between IMHO!

in crysis 2 you can just walk between scyscrapers, the game seems to be open and wide but basically you have to run through a very small lane as there are high buildings fences and invisible barriers everywhere.

matter of taste i guess :lol:
I really liked both of them, I just didn't like that Crysis 2's PC version was a really shitty console port.
why i liked crysis? i love jungle settings, sneaking through the woods and
killing one soldier after another and then destroying their camp was just awesome. sure the "go there and go there" was also very present like it is in basically every gama, haha but in C1 there was much more in between IMHO!

in crysis 2 you can just walk between scyscrapers, the game seems to be open and wide but basically you have to run through a very small lane as there are high buildings fences and invisible barriers everywhere.

matter of taste i guess :lol:

What i had a problem with in the first Crysis was the fact that hitting an enemy straight in the face with a shotgun at point blank distance didn't necessarily mean that he would die.
Aiming perfectly with a machine gun and emptying a mag in your opponent wouldn't kill him either.
And not only that, but the horrible response of the controls made it even worse.
The thing you liked with the parts in between is what i found repetitive.. you always knew where enemy posts would be, snipers where ridiculously easy to spot and it all just felt like a graphics demo to me.
Then the alien part came and thats when i realized that the crytek team was high when they made the game. :lol:

But im not going to say that crysis 2 is the greatest game ever.. far from it, but i still found it enjoyable to play through, which is good enough for me. ;)
What i had a problem with in the first Crysis was the fact that hitting an enemy straight in the face with a shotgun at point blank distance didn't necessarily mean that he would die.
Aiming perfectly with a machine gun and emptying a mag in your opponent wouldn't kill him either.
And not only that, but the horrible response of the controls made it even worse.
The thing you liked with the parts in between is what i found repetitive.. you always knew where enemy posts would be, snipers where ridiculously easy to spot and it all just felt like a graphics demo to me.
Then the alien part came and thats when i realized that the crytek team was high when they made the game. :lol:

But im not going to say that crysis 2 is the greatest game ever.. far from it, but i still found it enjoyable to play through, which is good enough for me. ;)

haha, yeah the immortal enemies. this was a big bug in C1,
i had a part where i could not kill anything. restarted the game and it worked, headshots, even with the weakest weapon were 100% lethal then.
happened two or three times to me so it was ok. strange about the controls, i thought they were really nice in C1, i really went berserk using the shortkeys for the nanosuite actions (double taping buttons) :lol:
haha, yeah the immortal enemies. this was a big bug in C1,
i had a part where i could not kill anything. restarted the game and it worked, headshots, even with the weakest weapon were 100% lethal then.
happened two or three times to me so it was ok. strange about the controls, i thought they were really nice in C1, i really went berserk using the shortkeys for the nanosuite actions (double taping buttons) :lol:

I actually had to edit the game settings manually to get it right.. because the enemies have a health regeneration, and i remember that it was set at an annoyingly low number, so it was damn near impossible killing them before they regenerated. :P
What i thought sucked about the controls was that they was kind of sluggish.. almost like i was having lag(Even though i had 60fps or something.).
My girlfriend picked up the Sims Medieval the other day. Watched her play it for a bit, was mildly intrigued by being able to order the deaths of everyone you want if you play as a king/queen. This lived up to my expectations when I courted a big-titted-lass, doinked her silly for a few days, then had her fed to the gigantic pit-dwelling horror-beast in the middle of the village because she sat in my royal dining chair. My character then got absolutely plastered off the finest mead he could brew, and challenged half the town to a duel to the death.

10 out of fucking 10.
My girlfriend picked up the Sims Medieval the other day. Watched her play it for a bit, was mildly intrigued by being able to order the deaths of everyone you want if you play as a king/queen. This lived up to my expectations when I courted a big-titted-lass, doinked her silly for a few days, then had her fed to the gigantic pit-dwelling horror-beast in the middle of the village because she sat in my royal dining chair. My character then got absolutely plastered off the finest mead he could brew, and challenged half the town to a duel to the death.

10 out of fucking 10.

Well well, after Sloans post I checked out Killing floor and bought it (50% off at the moment).

8/10 - Great fun !
Better then L4D IMO and just awesome for those times where you feel like playing a action game but don't got hours to waste.

Oh and if anyone else is playing, hit me up on steam.
Name: December_flower
Resident Evil 4 8.5/10 - Funny thing about this game; I played the piss out of it in 2007 (thanks largely to having a roommate that was OBSESSED with it) and got pretty tired of the whole "become a gun turret" gameplay and utterly, UTTERLY stupid premise and "story". However, I busted it out again recently, and you know, it really was pretty fucking revolutionary, and I find it hard to think of too many games with more incredibly creative, memorable scenarios and moments, despite the fact that I still maintain that overall the game's strongest hours are by-far in the beginning (before the castle, and while we're still ignorant of the stupidity of the plot); the village is just dripping with creepy atmosphere, which is totally lost from the first encounter with Napoleon onwards IMO. But there's just such an amazing attention to detail in every aspect of the game (especially the weapon animations and "feel"), and the aforementioned absurd amount of awesome OMG moments.

So, on to RE5 at long last, I suppose!
I had a similar experience with RE4 Marcus
First time I got to have a go with it I wasn't really keen on it. Thought it was a bit dull. Got the Wii version one day and couldn't put it down.
Pretty much a masterpiece in my eyes. Perfect, PERFECT game mechanics.
I love the briefcase, the whole system of organising and upgrading your shit. Finding shit to sell off to the "THANK YEH STRANGERRR" guy \m/
The controls are PERFECT on the Wii too once you get past the first 45 minutes of being a bit confused by the feel of it. After that it flows perfectly and you're popping headshots all over the place \m/

And the whole Castle section is one of the most atmospheric things ever commited to video game. Love the monk chants in the background.
I remember running around that part with Sunn o))) and the monks chanting together at pretty equal volume.. Pretty cool shit.

Yeah this game makes me write essays praising it.. >_>