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i really liked dawn of war 1, but DoW 2 wasn't getting me that hot under the collar, but i am more into base building than assaulting. did look pretty cool though! if i can get DoW 2 cheap, would you chaps say it is worth me picking it up?

Its worth it if you can get it cheap.
Game is IMO fun.. but I did loss interest towards the end as it all got way to repeative.
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - 9/10

The controls are a bit weird at first (no second joystick), but they worked around that as best they could and now that I'm used to them it's fine. For a PSP game that is honestly my ONLY gripe with the game; awesome story, incredibly deep gameplay with a monstrous amount of other elements to it outside of regular levels. Easily the best game on PSP.
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - 9/10

The controls are a bit weird at first (no second joystick), but they worked around that as best they could and now that I'm used to them it's fine. For a PSP game that is honestly my ONLY gripe with the game; awesome story, incredibly deep gameplay with a monstrous amount of other elements to it outside of regular levels. Easily the best game on PSP.

MGS Peace Walker is indeed amazing. I bought it on my old PSP and then again when I got my PSP go. Same thing with GOW Ghost of Sparta , another amazing game... those two are tied for best PSP game in my book.
With regards to Relic games such as Dawn of War II and Company of Heroes, the single player portion is a very small aspect compared to the vast possibilities that multiplayer offers.

Learning factions, build orders, strategies, abilities, what works best against which unit and army.... plus the thrill of playing against another human being; these are what makes Relic games so superb. The depth of the multiplayer allows one to spend hours on end trying to become a better player... if that's your thing, that is. I know most people aren't into competitive play, especially in RTS games. And whilst I am far from being good enough to make any mark on the multiplayer world in these games, the thrill I get from trying to improve and learning all the nuances these intricate games offer makes it worthwhile spending time trying to improve one's game and worth every penny in terms of purchasing it.

Dawn of War II and Company of Heroes are in my opinion great looking games with tonnes of variety and depth; in my opinion they're definitely some of the best games of their genre.
My bigest issue with all the 40k based games by Relic is how cartoonish they manage to make the 40k universe look... I am so, so very picky when it comes to that stuff and Space Marine is the only game that looks like it will actually get the feeling conveyed in the artwork and fluff in the codexes/rulebooks right.
I got into 40K miniature painting too recently, and I have to say, keeping the engine in mind, the detail of the models in DoW II are beautiful in my opinion. Of course, they're not perfect, but considering the engine's capabilties, the graphics are great. I am no 40K buff, so I assume you would be more apt to pick out the details, however, the cartoonish look of the models can only be attributed to the engine's design and graphics capabilities, if I'm understanding your complaint correctly.

I won't spoil it for you then Brutalism, but do play the Chaos campaign...

I think the voices are cheese to the max but so is GW in general. Some cool well loved characters appear in Retribution, if you're W40K fans you'll surely love it. The missions themselves are pretty recombinant though, as are the locations (same stuff from the previous two) but there's lots to do. Must finish other campaigns as well.

Oh, cool! Cheers for the info. Yeah, I think the voices of vanilla and Chaos Rising are better. Didn't see the need for the voice changes in Retribution (judging from the trailers, forums and posts on youtube). However, I think they're pretty ballsy over all, so I'm not complaining :). As regards to being cheesy, yeah but that's partly the fun of it isn't it hehe. I love the voice acting and the lines in general.
^ Yeah, I hate how they model the 3d models on the actual miniatures. I want to see the games based on the artwork/fluff and ACTUAL proportions of the races, not hte stunted, out of proportion miniatures (which I love, but only in the tabletop game :lol: )
Ah, I see your gripe now. Fair enough! Yeah, the actual artwork like that seen on the codecs is superb, however it would be difficult to implement that level of detail for an RTS in my opinion, especially during the time the game was released.
I get that, and now that the graphics are better it seems there is some hope.. Seriously, Space Marine looks stunning. Perfect mix of brutal close combat and ranged weaponry. I just hope it's the first in a long, long line of great, fluff/artwork-inspired games :D
Being a big fan of Red Alert 1 and 2, I downloaded the demo of the third game. Yeah, about time; but what a load of crap. The acting is mediocre compared to the cut-scenes of the first two games, in my opinion. The cartoonish graphics don't help much either. Generals was good; it was a first step into '3D' graphics I guess; but this is corny at best.

The game is filled with cliches; as I'm reading some of the Japanese units and looking at the artwork... every stereotype about Japanese warfare is ripped off and placed into one faction. And the names? Tsunami Tank? Ouch. Instant Dojo? Da fuck?

I loved the subtle humour in RA2, but just from the demo, this game hasn't compelled me one bit.
crysis 2...i am not a big fan of, i call them "futuristic shooter games"
but i still enjoyed crysis so i thought crysis 2 my be ok also....WRONG!

the city setting is so damn boring, all i see is destroyed buildings,
barricades and ruins, oh and then...a subway mission, very creative!

hey we havo no more ideas...ah c'mon just make an underground level,
can't go wrong with that...boooooringggg. haha at least i am happy they
did not include any afghanistan or iraq level design ;)

sneaking upon korean soldiers and stripeing through the jungle was big
fun but shootin at stupid cell forces with gray cement all around is just not my cup of tea.

maybe the game gets better over the course of time but honestly i am not really burning to find out...
crysis 2...i am not a big fan of, i call them "futuristic shooter games"
but i still enjoyed crysis so i thought crysis 2 my be ok also....WRONG!

the city setting is so damn boring, all i see is destroyed buildings,
barricades and ruins, oh and then...a subway mission, very creative!

hey we havo no more ideas...ah c'mon just make an underground level,
can't go wrong with that...boooooringggg. haha at least i am happy they
did not include any afghanistan or iraq level design ;)

sneaking upon korean soldiers and stripeing through the jungle was big
fun but shootin at stupid cell forces with gray cement all around is just not my cup of tea.

maybe the game gets better over the course of time but honestly i am not really burning to find out...
Dude you can see from the cover alone that this is the setting of the game. If it's not your cup of tea why would you bother buying it?
i knew about the setting, i just wasn't expecting it to be that bad, everything looks so plain and bleak...
the missions i made were also boring as hell, go there, then go there and then go there and not much in between.

planed to start playing homefront tomorrow but reading some reviews
i am thinking about just burning it or giving it to the next person i meet :lol: