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"Mass Effect 3: We can officially confirm that there will be a multiplayer feature in Mass Effect 3. However, please reserve your appraisal until we are able to give more information. Our Executive Producer Casey Hudson says it best: "Yes, co-op MP missions for ME3: they're real, and they're spectacular. Rest assured it's nothing of what you've feared. More soon..."

So you experienced texture pop in JayB, but you gave the graphics 5 out of 5 stars. That smells like bullshit to me. :saint:

If you read the whole thing, I said that people with AMD cards have much worse texture pop in than people with Nvidia cards, like me. Also, I consider graphics more than just technical and I include art direction, which in this game is fantastic. Also, as I mentioned the game never dropped below 60 fps. Finally, you must have seen that I gave PERFORMANCE 2.5 out off 5. That is where I would include things like texture tearing, which is one of the many things that was fixed with a patch released today.

Rage: 9/10

I had to google a bit and tweak some hidden config options in a ".cfg" file and update my Nvidia drivers to the latest beta, then the game started looking really fantastic.

Gameplay pretty good for such type of game, a bit easier than i expected - i started on Hard difficulty setting and had almost no troubles with even the biggest enemies, i even saved the most powerful weapon and ammo (bfg) for some huge final challenge, but there was none... hehehe :)

Sniper rifle + head shots was my choice of weapon for nonmutants and shotgun for mutants and crazy melee natives.
Rage: 9/10

I had to google a bit and tweak some hidden config options in a ".cfg" file and update my Nvidia drivers to the latest beta, then the game started looking really fantastic.

Gameplay pretty good for such type of game, a bit easier than i expected - i started on Hard difficulty setting and had almost no troubles with even the biggest enemies, i even saved the most powerful weapon and ammo (bfg) for some huge final challenge, but there was none... hehehe :)

Sniper rifle + head shots was my choice of weapon for nonmutants and shotgun for mutants and crazy melee natives.

I'd agree ftmp, 'cept I cant seem to get the single player campaign to load an area without a crash (ATI 6950 here) but the multiplayer seems to run flawlessly (wtf?)...I had a great session last night doing the Wasteland Legends missions, me and a friend got through about three of them. Had a blast. My only wish is that it would be a 4 player co-op like Borderlands instead of 2 players max. And of course id for some reason didn't include a deathmatch mode...?
I'd agree ftmp, 'cept I cant seem to get the single player campaign to load an area without a crash (ATI 6950 here) but the multiplayer seems to run flawlessly (wtf?)...I had a great session last night doing the Wasteland Legends missions, me and a friend got through about three of them. Had a blast. My only wish is that it would be a 4 player co-op like Borderlands instead of 2 players max. And of course id for some reason didn't include a deathmatch mode...?

I'm using a 6990 and have had no issues, what drivers are you using?

Also I think they wanted this IP to be different, considering both of their main ip's are strictly FPS (granted doom 4 multiplayer is pretty non existent)
NBA 2k12. I've only played the My Player game mode...

I LIKE the game. The mode specifically has tons of cool shit and rewards you for getting better and more popular... endorsement deals and magazine covers and billboards... HOWEVER, there's a ton of cheesy annoying shit too. Your team AI seems fucking retarded while the opponent's always reacts to loose balls and help defense and the like. They break up too many passes and block too many shots. It will frustrate the fuck out of you, but somehow... it's still a damn good game.

Needs some patches to hopefully even out the My Player because you cant set the sliders accordingly. Im gonna switch to Association mode here though because the frustrations are getting... well... frustrating.
Man I'm excited for BF3 :D The game magazine I used to read (and trust) rated it 93% for the multiplayer and about 87% for the singleplayer.. that's one of the highest ratings ever, together with Crysis2, Wc3:tft, Battlefield 2 and a few others. This should be good.

I also pre-ordered Skyrim, 35€ through Amazon GB doesn't seem too bad.
Hahah nice plan. I'm at a friend's birthday on friday and saturday, far away from my computer - this sucks! I want to play from the start so I get to pwn the noobs :lol: ;)
I bought both BF2 and BF:BC2 waaaayy to late and it's really hard to get some kills if you have no gadgets (medkits!), upgrades and shitty weapons when you are new to the game.

Seriously though, why the fuck can't he go back in time and move his goddamn birthday? I NEED to play BF3 for 3 days in a row :D