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SWTOR server stress test has 1 English EU server, 6 German and 4 French!?
I was about 6000th in the queue and am currently 2728, after about 40 minutes.
Skyrim. if it had multiplayer, it would forsure be the most god-like game, otherwise its pretty god damn amazing, dispite the mele-combat system could have been better. but i play as an archer so it doesnt bother me that much.
10 year re release of halo combat evolved.

Just as good as I remember it, every halo since this one has been a let down...

Kind of saddened by the fact that the online shit is the Reach engine and weapons. And since the online falls short of my standards for the way this game should have been released I'm only giving it a 7/10.
Modern Warfare 3: 8.5

Single Player: The usual rollercoaster. Modern Warfare has always been more related to on-rail-shooters like Virtual Cop than with traditional FPS like Doom. Love or hate. I love it, specially because it´s short and took me only 4 hours to complete. I´m tired of long games. The levels are so intense that I was always laughing about how over-the-top the game had become. The downside is that it doesn´t have the gore from Black Ops.

Multiplayer: It´s similar to Modern Warfare 2, which I love. The guns are good again and the maps are a blast. Smaller, with lots of ins and outs and much more run-n-gun. It was common for me to stay alive for a whole Team Deathmatch and get the nuke on MW2, now it didn´t happened even once. The killstreaks and explosives are much weaker, which is a good thing. The smoke grenade is better than ever (thicker and comes up much faster). My main complain is that LMGs are super underpowered. You have to spend all your perks and attachments to make them barely close to the ARs. Anyway, this is the game I will be playing next year... at least until Rockstar release Max Payne 3.
Splinter Cell Conviction: 9/10
A little too fast and more an action ego-shooter instead of a stealth shooter game, but great storytelling, graphics, and gameplay nonetheless. I wouldn't mind if Splinter Cell 6 would be little less fast paced but genereally I liked the idea and the more brutal / offensive gameplay made sense with the story. WAY too short, though
Dark Souls - 10/10

Holy fuck. I think that's the only thing I can say about this game to really do it justice at this point... The more I play the more I love it, and there are more weapons and upgrades than I can poke a stick at :D
Rage: 4.0
Slightly below the average. It amazes me how much bad decisions were made on this game.

This whole diversion and "game inside the game" trend has to stop. Who wants to play a dull card game on a gore shooter?
It makes no sense the ammount of work that they´ve put on the car part of this game (customizing and tuning, races, weapons, items, etc) when there´s nothing to explore, all the missions are 30 seconds away and you can boost your way out of any road combat. Who wants to play a racing game on a gore shooter?
Looting is so fucking boring. Why not make like on Mass Effect, where after each battle the goods automatically goes to your stash?
The graphics are bad. Sometimes they´re great, like when you stop on a wide area, but most of the time you´re seeing terrible low definition textures and pop-ins. It doesn´t matter if it is a engine bug, the game was shipped this way.
The story concept is good but the way that it is developed on the missions is pathetic. You basically play only side-quests without ever advance the main story until the very end. I could honestly say that the story development is even worse than the text screens from Doom and Quake, and that last mission is the lamest I´ve seen on this generation.

On the bright side it has a fun gameplay, solid 60 frames per second, nice weapons (sweet mind control crossbow), cool gadgets (wingstick, RC car and sentry bot), great animations and gore (loved how the enemies react when shot). The engine is good, I wonder how good this game could be if they ditched all the stupid stuff and focused on making great levels. This game lacks John Romero.

Gears Of War 3: 7.0
It´s good like the rest of the series: Loads of co-op fun, great graphics, gore and inventive gameplay.
I expected a lot more storytelling during the game as it is the last one of the series - and that Evil Queen might be the worst character decision ever - but I´m ok with how it ended.

What I hated was the tone. On other Gears Of Wars you have this feeling that the entire human race is at the edge, while on this one the team is always cracking wanna-be smartass jokes that pisses me off. Cole Train is a comic relief on a game that should not have a comic relief.
Dark Souls - 10/10

Holy fuck. I think that's the only thing I can say about this game to really do it justice at this point... The more I play the more I love it, and there are more weapons and upgrades than I can poke a stick at :D

I'm addicted to that game! You have it on the ps3? There are a ton of weapons and upgrades, but you'll find out only a few of them are actually viable. Against given enemies. You'll do well to have some elemental variety in your arsenal.
^My weapon of choice was Black Knight Sword +5.

I only have one character at the moment, and he's using the moonlight greatsword +5. he looks like a fag, but butchers the undead, dragons, golems, etc. like a boss.

So this isn't spam, this game is a 9/10 for me. Awesome across the board but hindered by some balancing issues. Elemental weapons are simply overpowered up to lvl 150 or so, which is where 90% of the people are.
The Dark Souls online was awesome when I was actually playing for the single player experience, with occasional multiplayer sessions, but after I beat it twice and wanted to play competitively, the other players pissed me off.