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Battlefield 3
I finally gave in when this was on sale and bought a copy for my brother as well. We get tactical on voice chat and fuck shit up. I have killed more than 500 faggots with a pump action shotgun and have been accused of hacking multiple times due to awesome shotgun use. LOL

Batman: Arkham City
Loved Arkham Asylum, this rules as well. More than 20hrs in and just trying to find all the shit. The combat is so satisfying.
Batman Arkham City: 7.0
Lots of fun. The controls take a while to master and the whole game feels like a giant tutorial, with all the gadgets. Other than that I loved everything about it. Awesome graphics, sound, tone, animations, characters re-design...

Great game, but IMO it´s not as good as Arkham Asylum. It doesn´t have as much memorable parts such as the Scarecrow boss, Joker´s fake-reset, the back to the childhood halucination, the croc terror gameplay, etc.

I´ve read that the Robin DLC has a 2D gameplay part. That should definitely should have made into the main adventure. All this DLCs are pissing me off. It´s like the retail are demo versions of the games.
Bastion: 9.5/10

Artistic, unique and moving story with a great soundtrack to boot. Please check it out. It's definitely one of the best gaming experiences I've had in a long time.
Bought Batman: Arkham Asylum, Assassins Creed Revelations, Metro2033, the full Gothic pack (only game of the series I didn't already have was Arcania + Addon, but for 12€ it was a steal)

Looking forward to the next few months :lol: I still have several other top games I bought on Steam and didn't have the time to play them yet haha
Skyrim: 8,5/10 and just because of the horrible hangouts on my ps3. Drives me nuts to not be able to save before it hangs because well, you never know when that's gonna happen...

But, great story, gameplay, graphics and all, still play it everyday :)
Anybody played Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale here? I just bought it, haven't installed or played it yet. Playing through Deus Ex: HR again, there's so much shit I missed the first time through.
Bought Batman: Arkham Asylum, Assassins Creed Revelations, Metro2033, the full Gothic pack (only game of the series I didn't already have was Arcania + Addon, but for 12€ it was a steal)

Looking forward to the next few months :lol: I still have several other top games I bought on Steam and didn't have the time to play them yet haha

Metro 2033 is awesome. Played through three times so far. If you like it, I recommend the STALKER series as well if you havent already tried them.
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee

still fucking awesome. the graphics have withstood the test of time incredibly well. if they were of higher resolution i couldn't see a reason why this game couldn't be released today, with some minor improvements like quick save, etc.
Metro 2033 is awesome. Played through three times so far. If you like it, I recommend the STALKER series as well if you havent already tried them.
Yeah from what I saw it looks very much like a game I'd enjoy! I have Stalker and the two standalone add-ons on Steam but didn't have the time to play them either haha.

Just played through "Batman: Arkham Asylum" = 8/10 I'd say.
Had a lot of fun, even though at some point there was some kind of "oh come on, again?" feeling. I really like the story, different characters, look and feeling of the game. I hope "Batman: Arkham City" gets cheap on Steam soon :D
I wanted to love that game, but the save system eventually drove me nuts... 2 hard platforming sections in a row = death.

yeah, and especially if you're aiming to save all the mudokons in the game, you can have 3 secret locations with your buddies to save, within a single area where the game saves your progress.

that means, fuck up in one of them, and you'll have to go them all through again because the game doesn't get saved before you move to the next area. that can get incredibly frustrating, but thankfully they added quicksaving to Abe's Exoddus, which i think is just as good a game.
i've been playing Metro 2033 as well. wasn't too excited about it initially as it looked like just another shoot-creatures-in-the-dark with pretty dated graphics, but it's getting better and better... i might grow to like it.

i'm stuck in a part where i've just acquired the nightvision goggles, the sneaking around part is pretty annoying as the guards keep seeing me and i can't handle them with my guns.
Finally got MW3 for xmas, slowly making it through the story line, spending a lot of time on the extra missions with the girlfriend...

Also, for old-school sake I got Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 cause i'm a sucker for Marvel...
Gta IV - 8/10 Great graphics, great details, funny dialogues but the missions are too straight. San Andreas missions were a lot more fun to play.

Assassins creed - 6/10 wow, extremely overrated game. Climbing towers, punching prophets and stealing information it´s not the most exciting thing. Too repetitive and boring and also predictable. In fourth kill I already had my suspicious about the final boss!lol