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Gta IV - 8/10 Great graphics, great details, funny dialogues but the missions are too straight. San Andreas missions were a lot more fun to play.

Assassins creed - 6/10 wow, extremely overrated game. Climbing towers, punching prophets and stealing information it´s not the most exciting thing. Too repetitive and boring and also predictable. In fourth kill I already had my suspicious about the final boss!lol
Are you talking about the first Assassins Creed game? If so I agree, but you have to check out AC II, Brotherhood and Revelations. They are completely different and a lot better.. not repetitive at all imo. I hated the first AC, only kept going because I wanted to know the story haha. Assassins Creed 2 especially has one of the most intensive and exciting stories I ever witnessed, plus it's a little bit like GTA with the open world and lots and lots of possible sidequests (cool ones, though... not the same three ones like in the first AC game).
Are you talking about the first Assassins Creed game? If so I agree, but you have to check out AC II, Brotherhood and Revelations. They are completely different and a lot better.. not repetitive at all imo. I hated the first AC, only kept going because I wanted to know the story haha. Assassins Creed 2 especially has one of the most intensive and exciting stories I ever witnessed, plus it's a little bit like GTA with the open world and lots and lots of possible sidequests (cool ones, though... not the same three ones like in the first AC game).

Yeah I was talking about the first one and I already have the second here just because my friend said that was much better than the first. Let´s see but I am gonna play saints row 2 first!lol
Gta IV - 8/10 Great graphics, great details, funny dialogues but the missions are too straight. San Andreas missions were a lot more fun to play.

Assassins creed - 6/10 wow, extremely overrated game. Climbing towers, punching prophets and stealing information it´s not the most exciting thing. Too repetitive and boring and also predictable. In fourth kill I already had my suspicious about the final boss!lol

The AC sequels are SO much better than the first
Are you talking about the first Assassins Creed game? If so I agree, but you have to check out AC II, Brotherhood and Revelations. They are completely different and a lot better.. not repetitive at all imo. I hated the first AC, only kept going because I wanted to know the story haha. Assassins Creed 2 especially has one of the most intensive and exciting stories I ever witnessed, plus it's a little bit like GTA with the open world and lots and lots of possible sidequests (cool ones, though... not the same three ones like in the first AC game).

Damn page 8 you guys not gaming much this month? Celebrating black history month sans games eh?:lol:

Just bought Syndicate, getting close to being done installing. Looks pretty hectic from the trailers, looking forward to playing it for a fucking hour and then having to go to bed and wake up for my daily employment/societal torture session. Also finally got around to finishing RAGE, what a bummer of an ending...? So anti climactic. Whazzit, two weeks for Mass Effect 3? Man that's gonna rule.
Yeah, ME3 is gonna be awesome, loved the demo. Hate the damn Husks, though. They're Mass Effect's version of the flood, annoying ass enemies.

I've mostly been playing Final Fantasy 13-2 (review here) , Tekken Hybrid, Soul Calibur 5, and WWE '12
Played Mass Effect 3 demo on PS3, it seems cool but has some fps drop issues. I hope it's something to do with the demo.

Late to the party but I just got Heavy Rain and it's awesome! I can't wait to replay it several times. :D
Syndicate came out? Do tell.

Haven't been gaming much lately... Just playing Shadow Tower: Abyss for the ps2, which was recently fan translated from Japanese after like a decade. Same company that made Dark Souls, so it's hard and atmospheric as fauk.
Syndicate came out? Do tell.

Only played for 45 minutes last night, so far it's similar in feel to Crysis 2 imo as far as the gameplay mechanics go, throw a bit of the atmosphere of Deus Ex: HR in there and lots more violence and that's pretty much it. Nothing-ground breaking but I don't think they set out to do that either.
i recently played through the whole Ace Attorney series for the DS. the last two games were imo a bit of a letdown, apparently contrary to the general concensus.

phoenix wright: ace attorney (1) & justice for all (2) & trials and tribulations (3)- i have the first one on my phone as well, and i've played through it several times. it doesn't technically really have that much replay value but it's a fantastic game of a very uncommon genre so i've kept coming back to it. i want to outline here that i never expected even liking the game before i tried it, so i recommend this for anyone with a DS or iphone... if it sounds even somewhat interesting, you'll probably like it.

all the cases in the individual games are often somehow connected in clever ways. the execution, generic atmosphere, characters and the music all work really well. figuring things out in the game gets really addictive and is really fun when you get the hang of it. out of these three, i think the second game is the weakest link, but in no way bad. 9/10

apollo justice: ace attorney - it's of the same type as the first three games but with the change of the protagonist. the graphics look somewhat better but all in all the mechanics are the same. the game gets better towards the end when things start clicking in place, but the first two cases, notably the second, weren't too amazing and even sort of lame at times. somehow, this game is really happy-go-lucky compared to the other games by the music and characters. perhaps the intention was to try and reach for younger players. now i'm not saying that the rest of the series would be dark, but they sometimes have surprisingly dark themes, characters and events which give some of the situations a lot of impact. this game just... doesn't have it. it was entertaining to play through and it tells you the story of phoenix wright's later life though which alone makes it worth playing if you like the other games. 7/10

miles edgeworth - ace attorney investigations - this game is completely set outside courtrooms, which i never grew completely comfortable with since the courtroom parts were my clear favorites in the previous games. this game sets phoenix wright's prosecuting opponent miles edgeworth as the protagonist, which is a cool character to play. overall though, it seemed like the writer team had changed or something, possibly the whole dev team, and the game never reached true authenticity to the series in my eyes. i played it through, but i probably won't play it again. 4/10
deus ex: human revolution - missing link DLC

i enjoyed this DLC a lot. i would've enjoyed it more if it was integrated to the actual game but it was actually fun starting over with the augmentations and items. you can't shoot your way through it, you'll need to use stealth to make it, which is imo the way to go in DX:HR anyway. it was overall well done, the additions to the story are interesting and there's plenty of gameplay... i'm not sure how much i spent with it but i'd say it's 4-6 hours.

the only real difference you can make by your decisions though doesn't really change anything, mostly just a few dialogue lines. i would've wanted more different outcomes based on player's decisions, but i guess it was hard to do as Jensen is supposed to reach Singapore in a boat after the events of the DLC and nothing you do can make a difference in the actual story as Missing Link is separated from the main game. at any rate, it's worth playing. 8/10
this was a post-apoc mmorpg that i remember watching the previews for a long time ago. it went FREE 2 PLAY recently and is now available on steam.
i'm not a big fan of mmorpg's and definitely don't want to pay a subscription fee, but i wanted to give this a shot. you run around and level stuff up. whatever. i like that it's at least a little more realistic than super nerdgasm fantasy mmorpgs.
Mass Effect 2

played this game through without playing the first one, but i thought i was able to get the hang of things pretty well. i'm thinking of playing through ME3 making a new character, then at some point when i feel like playing them again i'd buy ME1 and play the same character through all the 3 games.

i'm a huge fan of KOTOR and knowing bioware had made this game, i was happy to see the large amount of similarities between KOTOR and Mass Effect. the game was an awesome experience, but i was a little disappointed in the lack of depth in some of the characters' background stories - maybe it was quantity over quality there as there were so many allies to talk to - and also, i usually like to customize my character as much as possible in games... in ME2, the amount of different shops from where to find armor, weapons and other stuff was tiny! i could only find one full helmet in the whole game, and even that looked a bit strange. the maps were often streamlined and on the small side.

there are some things, even simple ones, that could have been done better, but overall i enjoyed the experience a lot. i mentioned KOTOR so if i had to compare this game to it, i'd say KOTOR was overall a better game even though i'm not even a huge star wars fan or anything.

guess ME3 will be next!