Rate Last Videogame you played , write a one sentence review.

Southpark: The Stick of Truth. 8/10.

One of the funniest games I've ever played, let down by some simplistic and odd gameplay mechanics.

Consider who made it, and it makes sense why :P But hot damn does it feel like being IN an episode of South Park. So good
That Ghost Song game looks like a mix of Limbo and Super Metroid to me, very neat indeed. Did you play it ? If it has the same dynamic that SM has like speed run, wall jumps etc, I'll buy.

I don't know if it was mentioned in this thread (because it's not out yet) but for the fans of Mega Man, anybody heard of Mighty 9 ?
Well it is not out yet, so i can't rate it, but this one looks like almost a perfect fit for what i love in games most:

First person view only, freedom of multiple choices on how to do missions, zombie apocalypse.
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Dishonored - 6/10 The game it´s not bad but very boring, it´s a bit similar to bioshock infinite, but not so shitty!lol

Grid 2 - 7/10 Good graphics, good cars, tracks not so good. Same problem as above, boring game. Simulators are not for me, that´s a sure thing.

Bulletstorm 9/10 What a awesome game. Lets be real, there is nothing innovative in this FPS but the interaction, the jokes, graphics, weapons, the gore in the killings makes the game a really fun journey.

I think it´s what been missing these days, most of the games look fucking great in a aesthetic side but lacks in fun and other lot of things that make us keep playing. There are too many games but reduced quality, well it´s like music :Smug:
Dishonored - 6/10 The game it´s not bad but very boring, it´s a bit similar to bioshock infinite, but not so shitty!lol


I also thought Dishonored was pretty boring, never finished it. Been wanting to play Bulletstorm for a while.

Looking forward to checking out the Destiny Beta on PS4
Dishonoured: 8/10

Bioshock Infinite 10/10

Bulletstorm: 11/10

Splinter Cell Blacklist: final nails in coffin and buried
Legacy Of Kain: Blood Omen for PC: 10/10

Really old vampire game, brings me back nice memories. A must-play if you like black metal ala old COF :lol:
Dishonored - 6/10 The game it´s not bad but very boring, it´s a bit similar to bioshock infinite, but not so shitty!lol

Grid 2 - 7/10 Good graphics, good cars, tracks not so good. Same problem as above, boring game. Simulators are not for me, that´s a sure thing.

Bulletstorm 9/10 What a awesome game. Lets be real, there is nothing innovative in this FPS but the interaction, the jokes, graphics, weapons, the gore in the killings makes the game a really fun journey.

I think it´s what been missing these days, most of the games look fucking great in a aesthetic side but lacks in fun and other lot of things that make us keep playing. There are too many games but reduced quality, well it´s like music :Smug:

Grid games are far from simulators. They are indeed boring though.

Anyone here plays Skullgirls? I've been kind of addicted to it lately. Beaten the stories and arcade in ridiculous dificulty.
I also thought Dishonored was pretty boring, never finished it. Been wanting to play Bulletstorm for a while.

Looking forward to checking out the Destiny Beta on PS4

Dishonored graphics were very outdated also, I played in max settings and they were quite shitty! Anyway I can deal with outdated graphics when the games are good enough.

I enjoyed a lot Splinter blacklist but I didnt played any previous game of the series.

Grid it´s not a real simulator indeed but also not a racing game like need for speed, quite different. Yeah but you got the point, it´s a real boring one.
The Saboteur 6/10 It´s an average GTA kinda game. Nothing stands up as outstanding but there is one thing that made me delete the game before finishing, it´s the fucking controls, especially the jump button, man it´s so fucking annoying in some situations and places that I had to delete the game just to not break my keyboard with rage!lol

Mortal Kombat 9 9/10 Fucking awesome in every aspect, it was like going back to the old days but with better graphics, controls, fatality e.t.c but fucking hard also, I think I lost some weight playing this game!lol
Been playing GTA 5 PS4 - awesome fun online, love the new first person mode.
Assassin's Creed Unity - not as bad as most people have said, good graphics and fun gameplay but a decent amount of bugs. looong ass load times.
WWE 2K15 - fun as hell if you're a wrestling fan, wish they would bring back backstage areas though like back in the No Mercy days.
Counter-Strike Global Offensive: 6/10 - The whole thing is pretty annoying because one guy will be just miles ahead of everyone and completely kill any chance anyone else had of doing anything fun, so some more clever balancing there would ma- wait, where the hell did my weekend go?

Payday 2: 8/10 - The game itself is my favorite thing since the Mass Effect series started, and while at least their current big event thing ('Hype Train'? Seriously?) is basically about as subtle as a slideshow of superselachomorphostuntery, as far as being a blatant money grab for funsies, the last few heists have still been entertaining.

Parallelized plasma simulations in Fortrash: 1/10 - I basically have to pretend that this is a video game because otherwise I won't do it and then I'll have no money and it'll be back to the street corner with me. FORTRAN can eat a pile of butts.

Any Starcraft player ? I have been playing it for a year now and absolutely love it ! So much subtlety which makes it the chess of the 3rd century !

Haven't played Starcraft in about fifteen years, but if you want subtlety then ditch chess and start playing Go - the game for people as smart as chess players think they are. Goddamn wankers, that chess lot...