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Half-Life 2: Deathmatch - 3/5

Haven't really given it a chance until now.
Its pretty fun to play, but the weapons are so massively imbalanced that its not even funny: The player who gathers the most plasma ammo for the assault rifle wins.
Also the netcode is bugging the shit out of me.. you cant aim at your target, because you wont hit.
It gets better by setting cl_interp and cl_smooth to 0, but then it gets incredibly choppy instead(And its still not hitregistering properly.)
World of Goo - 4.5 out of 5

A Masterpiece, as simple as that. Funny, simple and full of imagination.
Thanks to my friend who is a fantastic gamer I now have the chance to play all the games I missed growing up.

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time- ?/10 I'm stuck at the friggin' Water Temple. I've really enjoyed the game so far, glad to finally play it all the way through. Hoping to play Twilight Princess when I'm done with OoT.
Final Fantasy VII - 8/10 Watched Advent Children w/ English dubs and completely got me sold. Like the LoZ games I've only played bits and pieces; never an entire game. It's enjoyable as it is laughable.
AudioSurf - 6/10 Not so much a game as it is a time waster. But awesome fractal graphics and your choice of music makes it fun. Makes me of think of what TIE Fighter and Rainbow Road from MarioKart64 would be like.
Portal (First) 9/10 Instant classic. Creative puzzles and great interaction with the antagonist GlaDOS. Looking forward to the second one.
only played the mafia II demo, kinda sucked to
me...not even close to mafia I. i wish there was a HD remake of this one.

need to check mass effect i/II out!
I played the demo on Ps3 , and didn't think it was so hot either , but I have to say the real game is much better than that demo makes it seem. I bought Mafia 2 on steam when it was $15 for the digital deluxe edition so I couldn't pass that up. It's all about the story and the demo throws you in about 5 hours into the game. And I only played a small bit of Mafia 1 on Xbox 1 about 6 months ago, and I was pretty underwhelmed , but I guess I'd have to play it more to give it a chance.
Thanks to my friend who is a fantastic gamer I now have the chance to play all the games I missed growing up.

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time- ?/10 I'm stuck at the friggin' Water Temple. I've really enjoyed the game so far, glad to finally play it all the way through. Hoping to play Twilight Princess when I'm done with OoT.
Final Fantasy VII - 8/10 Watched Advent Children w/ English dubs and completely got me sold. Like the LoZ games I've only played bits and pieces; never an entire game. It's enjoyable as it is laughable.
AudioSurf - 6/10 Not so much a game as it is a time waster. But awesome fractal graphics and your choice of music makes it fun. Makes me of think of what TIE Fighter and Rainbow Road from MarioKart64 would be like.
Portal (First) 9/10 Instant classic. Creative puzzles and great interaction with the antagonist GlaDOS. Looking forward to the second one.

Water Temple was the worst designed part of OOT , but that game is such a classic ! Just watch some youtube vids for a walkthrough of it.
I must be the only person in existence who really, really enjoys the water temple in OoT. Frustrating, sure, but SO atmospheric that it totally makes up for it for me.

But anyway, here's why I resurrected this topic:
Ubisoft. Fuck you, Ubisoft. Fuck you for not fixing a game breaking bug (correction: MULTIPLE game breaking bugs from what I hear after doing some research) well over a month after launch. Fuck you for having the gall to make the consumers pay full price to beta test your game for you rather than taking the extra time to fix the goddamn bugs yourself. Fuck you for daring to release a game in such an unfinished state. Fuck you for focusing so solely on profits rather than quality, innovation and progression.
Fuck you Ubisoft, fuck you.
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch - 3/5

Haven't really given it a chance until now.
Its pretty fun to play, but the weapons are so massively imbalanced that its not even funny: The player who gathers the most plasma ammo for the assault rifle wins.
Also the netcode is bugging the shit out of me.. you cant aim at your target, because you wont hit.
It gets better by setting cl_interp and cl_smooth to 0, but then it gets incredibly choppy instead(And its still not hitregistering properly.)

I got this for free when I bought every other half life game for like $3.00 in a steam sale , haven't gotten to try it out yet.
Actually I think it was something where you get in for free if you have an Nvidia card ,can't remember
A normal day at my office: I listen to game trailers radio and reviews all day... I have been doing that since 2007. Still haven't picked up a single game since early 2010. :(
I miss to just sit down with a game and let time disappear...
Banjo Tooie XBLA version. 9/10.

Loving it to bits so far.

Would be a 10 if not for the addition on Stop and Swop II, which deducts a point just for the uncertainty it brings. They've only just resolved the first Stop and Swop fiasco, what if Rare goes belly up or the BK IP gets dumped for another decade?

I'll be sad. :cry:
A normal day at my office: I listen to game trailers radio and reviews all day... I have been doing that since 2007. Still haven't picked up a single game since early 2010. :(
I miss to just sit down with a game and let time disappear...


I think we all have to make a commitment, that no matter what we are doing at the time... whenever Diablo 3 comes out, we drop everything, and grind hard for a month straight.
Half-Life 2: Episode One - 4/10
Just a horrible excuse for a game.. the maps where mostly built with prefabs from Half-Life 2, and it didnt offer anything new gameplaywise and offers _VERY_ little to the storyline of the Half-Life series, and when it feelt like the game began, it was already over.
All i got was a headache from the dark level and sadness for not spending my money on beer instead.

Half-Life 2: Episode 2 - 9/10
I really dont have much to say about it except then that it has everything that made the previous Half-Life games good.
Great leveldesign and storyline, it was pretty much perfect all the way through.

The reason i havent played them until now is simply because i dont think its worth paying full price for gamecontent based on an old engine with prefabs smearing the worlds. ;)
HL2 and the episodes are my pick for hands down best game(s) ever.

Rescued my AC:B save. Got lucky enough to get the one game breaking bug with a work-around...
HL2 and the episodes are my pick for hands down best game(s) ever.

+1, I have them on my Mac so can procrastinate during my free periods at college aha.

I'm really liking Mass Effect recently, takes a while to get into it though. The multiple story lines and side missions make it a bit different.
Episode One was a watered down piece of shit, where they had just cut'n'pasted parts of previous Half-Life 2 maps to make "new" ones.
As a pretty talented level design(One of the few things i'd that im actually good at.) i was close to mortified playing Episode One, the maps are like my rough sketches.. the same texture across planes covering more then 1024 units without any decals or anything to make for variation, all inside areas in a level had the same set of textures(Even though it might had been a completely different area.), horrible obstacle layouts, overuse of "dramatic events" such as the repelling soldiers, covering antlion-holes with cars, hopper mines behind crates and more.. it just got mindless and repetitive.
I could go on forever about what they made wrong with this expansion.. but i do think that half-life, opposing force, blue-shift, half-life 2 and episode 2 where absolutely amazing.