RC March Madness - The Elite 8 (votes needed):

Yeah, the fact that it will be Agalloch vs Bathory goes without saying in my mind.

[Agalloch will beat Burzum quite convincingly, and Enslaved might give Bathory a run for their money.]

Agalloch will beat Bathory in the final.

The fact that Opeth currently has 16 votes against Bathory pretty much confirms it. I'm pretty sure that most people who voted for Opeth against Bathory will also side with Agalloch in the end.

I'm also quite certain that approx. HALF the people who voted for Bathory against Opeth did so partially because of their disdain towards Opeth, whereas in reality they prefer Agalloch to either band.

I tell you what: I'll put $10 on Agalloch. :D
Agalloch has put out two of the finest records in existence. I'd have a hard time voting for Opeth over them, if I even would.

Also, Agalloch does not making depressing, suicidal music. If anything it confirms the beauty of life and is in every way uplifting. It is the beauty of nature applied to a record and if you can't appreciate that, you've been living in the damn concrete city for too long or are just a huge homo. :loco:
Erik said:
Not only that, but a whole fucking lot of it... But as I said... The band that made my favourite album ever deserves some credit

They are, seeing as i hope your favorite album ever is Hammerheart =) =)
I'm just amazed that you guys can call out your favourite album. It seems so definite. If I listed 10 albums, I'm pretty sure they would all be interchangeable.

I remember when Erik said "Bergtatt" was his favourite. And then it was "Brave Murder Day". These things change over time.

The only thing that remains consistent is the power of Maiden. The power of Maiden compels you!!! Only those who prefer Svidd Neger would disagree.

Really people, Svidd Neger?? It was close, but in hindsight, I'm sure you all look back in shame. We forgive you. :loco:
Erik said:
"From which of this oak shall I hang myself?
These ebon halls are always dark...
From which frostbitten bough shall I die?"

"...She killed herself in the fall...

I am the unmaker, I bring death to the beautiful dawn
With pillor, cold, and a legion of dying angels...

...I killed myself in the spring..."

Such a FUCKING AMAZING album. Going to listen to it right after this here song. Now your statement, as applied to some songs from "The Mantle", I agree with.

LYRICS? Who reads lyrics? :loco: I was talking about the music ya negress, to be exact, the music on The Mantle and to a lesser extent Pale Folklore.

I need to get that demo plus some other stuff. For some reason, this band doesn't elicit that fanboy reaction to go out and buy everything, regardless of how much I love their two full-lengths.

I agree with Jay about the favorite album thing too, at least at this point in time. My Top 10 is ever-changing itself.
Opeth17 said:
LYRICS? Who reads lyrics? :loco: I was talking about the music ya negress, to be exact, the music on The Mantle and to a lesser extent Pale Folklore

you guys are weird ... and I am not joking.
how can you do reviews and not fully pay attention to the whole disc.
NAD too ... lyrics? what lyrics? ... I don't get it.

you guys sit there doped up with your headphones on and just let the lyrics pass you by?

al of your reviewers integrity is being shot to hell :erk:
I definitely pay super close attention to the lyrics, an album is lesser to me if the lyrics are total shit- even if the music is great.
:tickled: If we got lyrics we might read them. 90% (or more) of my promos are the disc and the promotion sheet.

Besides, reviewing and what you do with your personal listening are two separate things. And you could make the case that lyrics have shit-all to do with the actual music so what is the difference. People who think lyrics are hugely important are the weird ones. Go read fucking poetry. :loco:
Opeth17 said:
:tickled: If we got lyrics we might read them. 90% (or more) of my promos are the disc and the promotion sheet.

Besides, reviewing and what you do with your personal listening are two separate things. And you could make the case that lyrics have shit-all to do with the actual music so what is the difference. People who think lyrics are hugely important are the weird ones. Go read fucking poetry. :loco:

now you really shot yourself in the foot ... :erk:

you mean you had no idea that Agalloch sings about depressing topics???
you guys have to be fuckign kidding me.

I know promos come with no lyrics, but they are an integral part of any bands musc ... why do you think I am picking on Nile all the time? :loco:
Haha that reminds me, I didn't send you lyrics for a reason...

THEY SUCK. But anyway, I know what you mean- lyrics aren't a totally huge deal to me, I just enjoy reading them along with the music sometimes... it makes it a bit more "personal" I guess. Hey, if the lyrics suck and I can't understand the vocalist, no harm done!
Good lyrics really add to good music.

I pass up alot of death metal bands when their lyrics are ridiculously out there.

"Cunttacular strangulator"??? I can't take that shit seriously...No matter how rifftastic it is.
lurch70 said:
you guys are weird ... and I am not joking.
how can you do reviews and not fully pay attention to the whole disc.
NAD too ... lyrics? what lyrics? ... I don't get it.

you guys sit there doped up with your headphones on and just let the lyrics pass you by?

al of your reviewers integrity is being shot to hell :erk:
I'm a bassist, drummer, and guitarist, not any damn singer! :tickled:

I pay more attention than I would lead one to believe, but the fact of the matter is the voice as instrument is infinitely more important than the voice as a pen. Case in point, Peter Tägtgren is one of my favorite death metal vocalists, but he has terrible lyrics.
lurch70 said:
you mean you had no idea that Agalloch sings about depressing topics???
you guys have to be fuckign kidding me.

If Agalloch's music is uplifting to me, why would I then look at the lyrics and be like OMG I'M TEH DEPREESED! Honestly, I don't know about anyone else here, but I LISTEN TO MUSIC. Seriously, anyone who can't listen to a band with good music because they don't like their lyrics has NO penis WHATSOEVER. :tickled:

but they are an integral part of any bands musc ... why do you think I am picking on Nile all the time? :loco:

Gayest.statement.ever. :loco: LYRICS are an integral part of any band's MUSIC. Alllllllllllllllllllrighty then! This is where I make my exit because I listen to music for music. If I never get around to a band's lyrics, no harm done. If I do, big whoop. I'll read some random novel if I want an experience in reading text. I'll throw on a good album if I want an experience in music.