RC March Madness - The Elite 8 (votes needed):

Opeth 17 let's please keep RC civilized. Out of 200 shitboards. This is the one place where you can come and find solidarity... Knowing that even if your opinion is not popular, childish name calling will not ensue. And if it does, it's always in jest.

Kiss and make up fellas.

Edit- Opeth17 listens to Cannible Corpse. (His reviews are now null and void)

I keed...I keed.
Yes, because I so obviously want lurch to actually go crawl into a hole and die. :Smug: I meant those to be general statements and obviously somewhat tongue in cheek, because yeah I'm really going to launch a personal attack on the internet. :tickled: Anyone at the fucking RC FORUM that takes stuff like that as an attack has obviously got some problems. I know I sounded way too serious though, my bad. I like lurch, I hope to discuss other things later, though I was pissed because of cops today which may explain my lack of teh funny smilies, lightheartedness. :loco:
We're all friends here, regardless of the occasional scuffle. NAD I FUCKING HATE YUO. But seriously, why do you think I stopped posting in GMD and the Nevermore forum? The RC Forum is, and always will be the best forum ever.
I got pulled over coming down my home road for doing about 68 in a 65 before I pulled off of the highway. :tickled: Some dude, riding a motorbike that was hilariously undersized was the guy who stopped me, and while it was funny at first, I was pissed off by the time I got home because the whole incident DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! :loco: I carried that over for awhile unfortunately.
if a band isn't serious about there lyrics (like a lot of death metal, etc etc) then i don't really care what they are saying very much.

What im saying is, if a band is trying to get a message across through there music (a lot of black metal) and write there lyrics with knowledge, and i don't like the message they are sending, why shuold i listen to thre music? It is all about the music, the lyrics are PART OF THE MUSIC, as is the message the lyrics send out. Saying "I fucked a dead bitch with a stick yarggh grrgrrr (like a lot of death metal)" is different then "Please, worship jesus because if you don't your going to hell" which in turn is different from "WITH MY HEAVY! METAL! MACHINE!=)" or "We're the kings, kings of beer, sobriety's our pain!".
One Inch Man said:
This is a really strange topic, something very new to me. I remember when Nate made that thread "Do You Listen to Instrumental Music?" I kinda laughed, because of course I do. Then I found out that some people didn't like instrumental music! A vocalist being so instrumental (pun intended) to music was a baffling concept to me, especially since vocals are almost ALWAYS the most useless part of a band!

I remember having the same reaction to that thread, I didn't think there were anyone besides teenyboppers who had an inability to enjoy any music without the extra added attraction of vocals. I don't agree with that last statement, but rarely do I listen to instrumental music and think that it would sound much better with vocals. I agree that the sound of one's voice is more important than the words being sung, but I also put emphasis on lyrics. Simple as it sounds, great ones add dimension, terrible ones cheapen the value.
if a band isn't serious about there lyrics (like a lot of death metal, etc etc) then i don't really care what they are saying very much.

I didn't know thrash lyrics were anymore serious than death metal! :loco:

We'll agree to disagree that lyrics are a part of the music.
Oh yeah, this thread has inspired me to also not write any lyrics. I'll just bark randomly + hum clean singing or make up words that aren't real. :loco: [/not serious, unless it was pretty cool in practice of course]
look .... I don't give two shits if you guys listen to the "message" a band has to offer through their lyrics ... but when you have an Agalloch avatar and tell me that their music is happy go lucky ... and then confess that you don't pay attention to lyrics ... and + you are a music reviewer .. .and this is a band you obviously like.

what am I supposed to think about your journalistic integrity?
Opeth17 said:
I didn't know thrash lyrics were anymore serious than death metal! :loco:

they are more serious then death metal (ie: i can go drink a beer with my friends and headbang, but im not going to take a meatclever to my friends baby kitten + dog + sister + watever), but thats not what i was saying anyways.
tell Dylan, The Stones, The Who, Agalloch, Maiden, fucking Madonna .... fuck me ... even Nile ... that lyrics are not important.

ok I am done :D

I love you all :loco:
lurch70 said:
look .... I don't give two shits if you guys listen to the "message" a band has to offer through their lyrics ... but when you have an Agalloch avatar and tell me that their music is happy go lucky ... and then confess that you don't pay attention to lyrics ... and + you are a music reviewer .. .and this is a band you obviously like.

what am I supposed to think about your journalistic integrity?

:tickled: Dude, you apparently STILL don't understand where I'm coming from. Mood and atmosphere come from what the music conveys. Listen to the beginning of In the Shadow of Our Pale Companion. That is uplifting and beautiful to me. I never said Agalloch is happy-go-lucky, talk about misquoting. :tickled: That would be some of the rollicking folk metal bands like I assume Finntroll is. Anyway, I'm saying that the mood of the music and what it makes me feel is what is coming through my speakers/headphones, not what I read in a little booklet. The lyrics here have ABSOLUTELY no bearing on whether or not the music makes me feel a certain way and it is as simple as that.

Agalloch could write about gay man love, that isn't going to make me not be uplifted by the beauty of the music which conveys a tone that to me represents nature put down to music. So what if they sing about suicide? That means nothing in the musical experience, they are just words, not the music. Really, lyrics are obsolete because the musical experience is capable of conveying a mood and then letting the listener intepret what it means to them. But of course, bands need something to say or it would sound ridiculous. Really, I don't know if you understand the concept of atmosphere in music, but by now I'm beginning to wonder. Agalloch is an uplifting band because their music contributes to the re-affirmation of life, whether or not their lyrics do, ok?

I am honestly baffled that to you the tone of the music itself and its very integrity comes from what the band wrote in a little book, or at least that is what you are showing me. Sorry, but there is a very simple difference here and it is that music conveys the story, the feeling, the mood and atmosphere to me, not the lyrics and if it is the opposite for you, then I can't help that. If lyrics mean THAT much to you that the music has apparently no bearing on your opinion, then I don't even know what else to say.
Haha, people are still voting. Forgot all about that.

Opeth17 - are you an adrenalin junkie tonight? Man, you are just going all guns blazing with your posts....easy bro'. Did those cops pat you down too hard? :loco:

If NAD lived anywhere near me, I think I would have walked around to his house and slapped considering the number of times I asked him to read "The Bastard" lyrics. You know, it's only a fucking concept album...plus it's an album he likes.

Here's the equation for the day:

Bad Lyrics + Bad Music = SHIT (just avoid it)

Good Lyrics + Bad Music = SHIT (I hope this is self evident)

Bad Lyrics + Good Music = OK (or, average -> very good)

Good Lyrics + Good Music = SCORE! (Or as they say in Brazil, "Goooooooaaaaallllll")

And lurch lives in Queens, NY, not New Jersey.