RC March Madness - The Elite 8 (votes needed):

Opeth17 said:
If Agalloch's music is uplifting to me, why would I then look at the lyrics and be like OMG I'M TEH DEPREESED! Honestly, I don't know about anyone else here, but I LISTEN TO MUSIC. Seriously, anyone who can't listen to a band with good music because they don't like their lyrics has NO penis WHATSOEVER. :tickled:

Gayest.statement.ever. :loco: LYRICS are an integral part of any band's MUSIC. Alllllllllllllllllllrighty then! This is where I make my exit because I listen to music for music. If I never get around to a band's lyrics, no harm done. If I do, big whoop. I'll read some random novel if I want an experience in reading text. I'll throw on a good album if I want an experience in music.

i have no comment on the above except that I cannot believe you are a music reviewer ... :OMG:
This shouldn't even be an argument. Considering Agalloch has penned some of the greatest fucking lyrics out there. Only a swahelian chapstick salesman would disagree.
This is a really strange topic, something very new to me. I remember when Nate made that thread "Do You Listen to Instrumental Music?" I kinda laughed, because of course I do. Then I found out that some people didn't like instrumental music! A vocalist being so instrumental (pun intended) to music was a baffling concept to me, especially since vocals are almost ALWAYS the most useless part of a band!
lurch70 said:
you guys are weird ... and I am not joking.
how can you do reviews and not fully pay attention to the whole disc.
NAD too ... lyrics? what lyrics? ... I don't get it.

you guys sit there doped up with your headphones on and just let the lyrics pass you by?

i agree, especially when people say "the ideology of the music doesn't matter at all"...that really gets me because i really like music that conveys certain ideas and stuff, and i WILL stay away from a band just because there lyrics don't convey somthing i feel interested in/the need to support (fucking Antestor for example...) even if there music rocks.
this is the most surprising discussion I have ever witnessed on RC ... I am sitting here stunned ... really!
There used to be a time when I wouldn't respect a band if the singer didn't play guitar or bass or keyboards or something, seriously. I don't really care anymore, I've learned to respect vocalists a lot more than I used to. But death metal vocals? Come on man, 99% of them fucking blow. Any random dude can grab a microphone and belch into it, WHAM you have yourselves a death metal vocalist.

Although conversely, vocals can sometimes be the real soul behind a group, like I'm totally infatuated with John Garcia, Maynard James Keenan, Layne Staley, Chris Cornell, and many others, right? But that has absolutely zilch to do with the lyrics, it's their voices.
Uh oh, somebody said ideology. :loco:

That matters less than the lyrics, a lot less. It's all about the music, kids.
i am talking about paying attention to lyrics and their message ... not vocal styles.
One Inch Man said:
Uh oh, somebody said ideology. :loco:

That matters less than the lyrics, a lot less. It's all about the music, kids.

are you the same people that preach of "owning a CD" becuase it's tangible ?!?!?!?

why does the artwork mean more than lyrics?

still baffled :erk:
lurch70 said:
i have no comment on the above except that I cannot believe you are a LYRIC reviewer ... :OMG:

I'm not, and I find it amusing that you continue to make irrelevant points because you like to tie words in a book into instruments in music. I'm not saying lyrics are completely pointless and, you know, if you want to read them to add to the experience or see where your favorite band is coming from, then by all means do so, but if you want to judge a band's MUSIC based on their lyrics, then you're a fucking retard.

Vocals are also an instrument, they aren't there to me so some asshole can spout off his agenda. They are there to complement the other instruments in the music. I do vocals and I can honestly say that If I ever put out an album, I could give two shits if anyone ever reads my lyrics, so long as they listen to the music and base their opinions on that. I'm there to be another instrument, not someone to keep you entertained because you don't have the attention span to listen to a song who's guitars, bass and drums aren't intriguing enough for you.

Also, I now can see perfectly where your absolutely ignorant stance on Nile comes from. But of course, they write good lyrics and you dismiss them because they aren't genuine enough. But you can listen to bands that sing about gore because they're obviously killing people on a daily basis, right? I'm obviously in the minority, but a stance like this makes no sense to me. If you like lyrics read them, if you want to judge a band based on them, please go crawl in a hole and die.

We also already stated that lyrics aren't included with promos, maybe another sign that they are irrelevant to the music and bands/labels sit on my side of the fence when it comes to these things. I think I'm a little stunned as well that anyone puts such stock in lyrics and won't listen to a band based on them, what the fuck is that? Strange topic indeed. I'm not saying lyrics shouldn't exist, they can be a fair complement, but goddamn, what is wrong with you people dismissing music based on them.
lurch70 said:
why does the artwork mean more than lyrics?
I'm unable to explain that conundrum, other than the fact that I'm too lazy to figure out lyrics a lot of the time, but cover art just takes the flip of a light switch to take in. :loco:

It is weird that I don't care much for lyrics, considering how much I read. Note: this is primarily when it comes to death metal, as usually I can't understand it anyhow, no lyric sheets are included, and often times it's in a language I don't know. But even in non-metal, style > words.
then by all means do so, but if you want to judge a band's MUSIC based on their lyrics, then you're a fucking retard.

hey, stop with the name calling #1.

#2 I take into consideration ALL when listening to music ... but you seem to dismiss lyrics as irrelevant to the whole music experience.

#3 stop misquting me as above

#4 your reviews from now on are worthless.
hmmm, I like good lyrics, and I like some bands with awful lyrics. ANd I love good instrumental music like Pelican.

Good lyrics add to a good album. But will I judge a band entirely based on their ideology or whether or not they can write lyrics as beautiful and descriptive as a Robert Frost novel? No fucking way. Why would I limit myself like that......
...yeh, I'll stay out of this one. As long as Maiden get knocked out, it's all gravy :cool: (yes, I went there).
ANd let me add this: Some bands do feel that their lyrics add another dimension to the music (and I would agree at times) and write them down in the booklet. But other bands, like Hypocrisy, purposely do not include lyrcs because they feel they are not up to par.

Now I would hate to stop listening to Hypocrisy since Peter feels he writes shitty lyrics, because Hypocrisy kicks ass.
Good lyrics are nice, like I really dig Opeth's lyrics. But I don't think it adds anything to the music, other than some depth when you're trying to convince someone that death metal (or metal in general) isn't shallow.

But bad lyrics can really upset me sometimes, and I have to pretend they aren't there. Or I just laugh them off, or don't care in the first place!
Look, it's as simple as this where I'm coming from. You listen to the music, you judge your opinion of the band based on that, because after all, that is what is important. If you are intrigued enough to read a band's lyrics, then by all means do so. As I've stated, they can make a decent complement, but are by no means essential to the music, they don't add to the music itself, and they should never be made something that will make a person ignore a band.

Do I listen to Cannibal Corpse because of their lyrics? No, and if you do, you might want to have your head checked. I listen to them because of their music, and no I haven't read their lyrics, because I don't feel like coughing up my last meal. Music takes precedence over lyrics in every situation and apparently you don't agree or you wouldn't be so anti-Nile. When you decide you hate them because their music is shit, I'll respect that, but not because they are americans and not egyptians. Ridiculous.

Oh, and nice way to be childish. What are you, twice my age? We disagree, so what. If bands thought lyrics were important, they'd insist on having them included on the promotional sheet. Apparently, the majority of them agree with my stance of music first. Also, if lyrics aren't included, I'd like to see a review written with a section dedicated to them. :loco:
lurch70 said:
#4 your reviews from now on are worthless.

hey, kinda like your opinions on albums that you download. :Smug::tickled::p

because when you download an album, you always go to the band's homepage and read the lyrics right? and then you judge the album, huh? :Spin::loco:
Opeth17 said:
Oh, and nice way to be childish.
That's pretty funny after your great display of unwarranted hostility about 5 posts up. "You're a fuckin' retard" and "go crawl in a hole and die" I believe it was.