RC, when will it end?

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Why does a person feel obligated to associate with certain individuals on a consistent basis? I've basically cut off all human interaction to people I know on the outside world. Since, I have been quite satisfied with the freedom of such a resolve.

Everything takes a natural course in life. But does this hold true for the internet? Nothing other than losing access to online services prevents you from logging on to this forum on a daily basis. So what I'm trying to say is, when will you personally realize that posting on a message board for hours per week is a complete waste of time? And don't tell me it isn't. You know it is and I know it is. As is indicated by the 79 threads titled, "I think I'm going to stop posting on internet boards", that all end up with an unsuccessful finale. When do you expect this joy ride to end? In theory we can all be on this forum posting in to senior citizenship. Nothing is here to stop us, not Marriage, not Children, not Profession, not a damn thing (Other than our own Will). This post is inspired by a thread I seen on another internet forum I lurk on where the main poster who had the popularity and following as Nad does here, just said "Hey I won't be posting here anymore", for absolutely no reason at all. Hell you have to respect such a decision.
So what I'm trying to say is, when will you personally realize that posting on a message board for hours per week is a complete waste of time?
Realized a LONG time ago

Didn't do anything about it (as per my normal modus operandi)
I've never felt like I needed to stop posting here. Fuck that, this is just something to do in spare time. There are a lot of great people on here. Waste of time? Not for me! When I'm busier I just don't post as much and sometimes don't post for a few days.
Yeah I mean some people think "oh it's just meaningless banter" but I disagree. First, most (if not all) people here are pretty intelligent, and as such go beyond typical dick and fart jokes. Conversely, nobody here is beyond making some great dick and fart jokes.

Also I mean come on. I'd say at least 84.761% of my albums purchased in the past several years were due to recommendations from this forum.
Agreed with NAD. Yep, it really seems most of people posting here are really inteligent. And Reign In Acain is right, it's a damn waste of time, but it's a really good source of music news and reviews cause among these 20 threads like "what are we eating now thread" (which is a brilliant idea I think :D), there happen to be 1 or 2 threads about some kick ass music, and yeah, I've discovered a bunch of great bands thanks to this forum too.
And continuing on this music-recommendation thing, I find RC the most reliable source for it. I mean, I have bookmarked these review sites, online music magazines, music blogs, or general music sites, which all do reviews or recommendations on music. And whereas I would try out these non-RC recommended bands and like just 1 or 2 out of 10 recommended albums in the best case, I usually hook on around half or more of RC-recommended stuff.

Hey I have an idea, what about making a sticky topic like "Stuff that has kicked in our dicks last two months" and just list (possibly with links to whole topics and brief description) these bands. I don't know if this would work or someone would do it but I think it could be useful, lets say I go on holiday for a month (ok to work somewhere would be probably more accurate) and don't want to miss on some cool stuff that probably was mentioned on RC, then I wouldn't have to dig the forum through and just see this topic.
Yea I don't think I could ever leave this forum "permenantly" like Man Is Robot did. But not having the urge to stop by the pc to see "who has replied to what threads" would be a step in the right direction.
Reign in Acai said:
Why does a person feel obligated to associate with certain individuals on a consistent basis? I've basically cut off all human interaction to people I know on the outside world. Since, I have been quite satisfied with the freedom of such a resolve.

Everything takes a natural course in life. But does this hold true for the internet? Nothing other than losing access to online services prevents you from logging on to this forum on a daily basis. So what I'm trying to say is, when will you personally realize that posting on a message board for hours per week is a complete waste of time? And don't tell me it isn't. You know it is and I know it is. As is indicated by the 79 threads titled, "I think I'm going to stop posting on internet boards", that all end up with an unsuccessful finale. When do you expect this joy ride to end? In theory we can all be on this forum posting in to senior citizenship. Nothing is here to stop us, not Marriage, not Children, not Profession, not a damn thing (Other than our own Will). This post is inspired by a thread I seen on another internet forum I lurk on where the main poster who had the popularity and following as Nad does here, just said "Hey I won't be posting here anymore", for absolutely no reason at all. Hell you have to respect such a decision.

The entire train of thought in this post is ridiculous. Wrong as well, especially the first paragraph (which is pretty random?).
I post mostly when i'm at school cause I have nothing else to do (mandatory attendance blows). When school is over, I'll probably not post/check it as often. But yeah, it's a great way to kill empty useless time, it's been great for my music collection and sometimes its fucking hilarious (beats TV since I can do other shit while I lurk).
Why does a person feel obligated to associate with certain individuals on a consistent basis? I've basically cut off all human interaction to people I know on the outside world. Since, I have been quite satisfied with the freedom of such a resolve.

ALSO: No, leaving a bunch of people you call your friends, like you said you did, isn't comendable at all in any way. In fact it makes you a pretty shitty person. By 'freedom of such resolve' you meen 'freedom from the responsibility to be a good friend or acquaintance' thus making you a coward.
ALSO: No, leaving a bunch of people you call your friends, like you said you did, isn't comendable at all in any way. In fact it makes you a pretty shitty person. By 'freedom of such resolve' you meen 'freedom from the responsibility to be a good friend or acquaintance' thus making you a coward.

I have no responsibility to keep acquaintance with people who I no longer value. I still wish to keep in contact with those who I consider worthy of my time. Do you really think I wish to still communicate with people who dine and ditch their friends on their birthdays leaving the guests of honor stuck holding the bill? If you only knew. Now if these were honest, self respecting human beings who showed thought towards the feelings of others, then yea... I'd be a dick. However this isn't the case in this scenario.

Like Lurch has said before "If you want to soar like an eagle, you can't fly with a bunch of turkeys"