RE: n00berz

Birkenau said:
That's a good idea, and add another moderator with banning abilities. kthxbi.

Please fucking god, I beg of you. This has been long overdue.
Why are we putting it off?
Here's all the bands that I really think you guys would approve of

Death Metal:

Wow, I need to expand my tastes.
I was going to tell him you wouldn't have, but I decided to let you speak for yourself.

Everyone knows you like 'Once Was Not' better than 'Spawn Of Steel' though.
I think Moon of Amber should be moderating. He seems like a level headed person and I'm sure he would enjoy his first experience of moderating a high traffic forum. Or Demiurge ofcourse ...

I don't know that the generic threads do indeed work. Having stickies at the top of every page would make the first page of the forum pretty much all just sticky threads.

"The recommend me", and "top XX lists" keep the forum rolling with the most constructive information IMO. But I do agree they need to be limited. Essentially it all boils down to having a decent moderator that can delete the repetitive shit, rather than having generic rules, which more often than not people dont read.

Essentially, the only four rigid rules you need would be:
1. Use the search function first
2. Make an effort to post coherently
3. Don't whinge
4. See Erik's self promotion rules

But again, get a decent moderator.
Just like to add, as I thought it would be perceived as being more constructive in this thread, that the last 20 or so threads Gaymede has posted have all been worthless rehashed shit. They do not even touch on anything thought provoking or interesting, rather the only thing being provoked is nausea.

These are shinning examples where rules generally won't work and rather a moderator locking / deleting threads or messaging a user to not post such pointless threads would be much more effective.
I may not be interesting, but I do believe there is sufficient evidence that a good number of posters on this board are - shall I say - mentally challenged in comparison to myself.
Evidence would suggest otherwise in fact.

All the threads you have started (not including the 6 part series of Band v Band threads and possibly other pointless threads already deleted):

1. Sick and tired: You ask a number of seemingly pointless rhetorical questions that neither have answers, or spark any interesting debate due to the fact that you just assert your somewhat unjustified opinion (regardless of whether I agree with what you have stated or not)

2. Can anything new truly be done with metal: Ok, not a BAD idea, but for the fact that the same thread was done all but a month ago and is done regularly enough to justify the "done to death" tag. The fact that you are new, probably suggests you shouldn't create upwards of 15 threads in your first week as a member ... but that hasn't stopped you.

3. Favourite Dictator: Ok, not GMD, but nonetheless, the name of the thread warrants mention as being blatantly stupid. Can I expect part 2 to be "Your favourite concentration camp" ???

4. World War Metal: Despite its somewhat creative name, this is another go nowhere thread that has also been "done to death". Use the search function ...

5. Looks like I spoke too soon: In this thread you added fuel to the fire by announcing your flamage in another forum, in the GMD.

6. Coldest black metal band: EXACT same thread happened not all that long ago - once again use the search function
8. Posting replies in an attempt to defend one's self only enrages the one making attack posts.

Regardless of that, I can't really let Misfit trash everything I've contibuted to this board. Your concept of hierarchy and protocol takes all the fun out of a message board. If this board was run exactly your way, who in the hell would want to post here?
"Hey, you can't post that, someone already did it last year..."
"You can't post what bands you like/don't like, people don't want to discuss that kind of thing on a metal music board (wtf?)."
"You can't ask questions of people, this is a message board, not an advice column."
"You can't post about controversial subjects."
"You can't make threads until you've gained enough of a reputation on the board so that other board members request for you to do so."
"You can't make any complaints."
that doesn't excuse creating about 10 shitty wrestling threads competing two bands against each other - what do you think the metal game thread does?

Your threads trash themselves, they hardly need to be picked apart here.
I think you missed the point. It's not that you CAN'T post any of those threads. Most of them, were pointless / worn out topics, but would be excusable if say you had only created 1 or 2 of them. However, because you created something like 15 of them inside a week everyones tolerance levels dropped to zero and you instantly earnt "troll" status.
Dodens Grav said:
I wouldn't really approve of either of them.

Old Cryptopsy is awsome. It's sad to see what the band has become now but what can you do.

They have no original guitarists or even Jon Levasseur.