Recent Purchases

Burzum - Filosofem - CD
Burzum - Burzum/Aske - CD
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss - t-shirt
Burzum - Pesta - t-shirt
Burzum - Det som en gang var - t-shirt
Death - t-shirt
Immortal - t-shirt
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas t-shirt
Different patches (Evile, Burzum, Mayhem, Immortal, Death, Kreator ++)

Even though i use t-shirts of those bands doesn't mean that i care about beeing "trve" or anything. That's the problem with black metal. It's really about being independent, but a lot of black metal fans start following their idols without thinking for themselves and suddenly they oppose what black metal is about.
I got Deep Purple - In Rock for $2 a day or two back

Yeah its got the album and then another album's worth of tracks. Its great stuff. The Angel Witch is very similar in style. A bit closer to the subject matter of Venom crossed with Iron Maiden though. Thats my take on it anyway.:lol:

The bonus tracks destroy. We Won't Be Back and Streets of Gold are amazing
Yeah, I just got machine head a few weeks earlier (with the original lyrics poster!) so all I really need now is the live japan album and fireball, maybe burn too...

After that my plans are to get Husker Du's Land Speed Record and then build my black sabbath collection
I haven't got it yet though, its still en route :lol:

I might buy a "lot" of old comics on Friday from this website.... Hhmmm......