Recent Purchases

Oh that. :lol:
I rescind my earlier comments, that shirt looks pretty lame now that I actually look at it....

Justice - The Descendant

Last one that Amazon UK had in stock. :p
Iced Earth - Festivals of the Wicked
Toxic Holocaust - Conjure and Command
Cannibal Corpse - Evisceration Plague
Cannibal Corpse - Vile
Annihilator - Criteria for a Black Widow
Apologies for the massive picture.


Been meaning to get this game since it came out, but kept putting it off for some reason or another. This'll give me a reason to actually play a game on my PSP. :lol: I usually only use it for music. Can't fucking wait!
Noooooooooooooooooo. :(
:lol: I'll have it on like Wednesday.

Bought "Eternal Empire" and some other random thrash songs off iTunes because I won a gift card. :p
Toxic Holocaust
Holy Grail

also bought Holy Grail - Improper Burial. It is a vinyl 7" record/EP. I bought it because the cover looked cool. What do I need to play this thing?
