Recent Purchases

Hmm I've purchased quite a lot recently.

Muse - Absolution

Metal Gear Acid 1&2
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops +
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue

Teng 72 tooth 1/2" drive ratchet
Teng 18mm Spark Plug socket
Teng 10x200mm Mega Drive Power Thru screwdriver
Teng 3x75mm Mega Drive screwdriver

Also catfood, 8.7l (£10.00) of petrol, and various chocolates, a birthday card and things for my mother's birthday.
Some leggings. After borrowing my friend's pair at HOA, cause my clothes got stolen, I was converted. Not for every day wear mind, lol. Needless to say, my bf was converted too haha - he's been bugging me to buy my own pair ever since.

Also a replacement battery for my camera, so I can take plenty o' pictures without it saying it's dead minutes after charging it.
Kreator - Scenarios Of Violence
Sepultura - Under A Pale Grey Sky Live
Various - In Memory Of Celtic Frost

Metal Gear Solid (Gameboy)
A Gameboy Advance to play it on
Teng feeler gauge set
Machine Head - The Blackening
Judas Priest - Screaming fo Vengeance
Death Angel - Act III
Lamb of God - Killadelphia