Nikkor sounds kind of racist35mm f/1.8 Nikkor lens! Crisps and general banter.
Next big purchase will be a 30'' x 12'' x 15'' tank for my frogs, a heat rock, glass divider, foliage and water purifier and then the frogs themselves!
Contemplating getting a Chameleon after Christmas because they are just the most gorgeous and awesome creatures!
In the house with all the family, Brothers, Sister, Nephews, Niece, Aunts, Cousins and other guests
Drank 10 cans of Tennents and a half what my Da calls "The Sorley Haulf" mair like 3/4 of bottle in glass (Whisky is also known as a half for those that don't know the termnolgy)
You speak the truth Sir about the wonders of Irn Bru
I thought the advert of when the family are around the piano and the Mother sings "I used to be a man" was the best.
That fuckin kills
welcome to CoronerCoroner - Mental Vortex
I can't believe I pushed off buying this cd for soooo long! Its fucking amazing! Too bad I bought it "Like New" from Amazon... the case is fucking broken. "Like New" MY ASS!
I'm on the verge of ending you for not owning it sooner. That goes for HeavyMetalRich too, why the FUCK have you only just bought Violent Restitution boy?!
Death - Spiritual Healing
Massacra - Final Holocaust (AMAZING band, everyone buy their shit)
Going into the domination business Siobhan? I am disappoint lol