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No song. It was a competition that they ran I believe to design a shirt! It was a while ago that came out so my brain may be fuzzy, anyone else confirm/deny this?

It was a competition which was posted on the EVILE BEBO page which I have since deleted the blog as it was an old one, Ol was the one that created the blog so he would confirm just the same as me

I found this entry on Wikipedia which confirms what I have just typed

"In May 2008, the band invited fans to design their own 'Evile Shirt'. A competition that allowed fans to submit as many entries as they desire. The rules also comically included entrants must 'Live on Earth'. The winner (Gary Hall from Liverpool) would win Evile memorabilia, signed items and a shirt including their own design. The shirt would also be sold on an upcoming Evile tour[17]."

I hope this helps
Wrong, Ouzo is, Jager is tasty delightful.


That's the best I can get in it atm haha, ignore moi face.

Ahhh that's awesome!
Shame I wont be able to get to a gig, well, it would cost a lot of money anyway, stupid island :mad:

Do you think I'll be able to get one any other way?
do want that hoody!

just picked myself up a new amp today!
the new 100 watt one.
its a monsteeeeerrrrrrr:kickass:
pics to follow
Nikon D40, waste of time, honestly haha, still attempting to save for an upgrade. Hopefully my rents will be lovely to me for my birthday and spend a fair bit on a new camera for me.

I've always wanted a professional camera and people kept saying the D40 was a very good starter.:lol:

Saying that I always wanted a very powerful telescope too:rolleyes:

But I agree I do want that hoody
Ah yeah Siobhan, I hope so, thanks.

Rusty, that's awesome, yes we need pics! Haha.

I have a good telescope, my mum bought it at a car boot sale for like a tenner or something, it needs focusing or setting up some how. I think she bought it in the hope that it was worth a lot.
It'll be a ticket for Bonecrusher Fest, ugh, first few days of February are nuts.
31st Jan - Prodigy, 1st - Municipal Waste, 2nd - Rammstein, 3rd - Bonecrusher Fest, 4th - Marduk, then I don't have a gig til the 11th! :o