Big mail day..... of course I was at work....
X-Men : Second Coming #1 (YES)
Uncanny X-Men #523 (YES X2)
SHIELD #1 (Oddly captivating)
Deadpool Corps #1 (Fucking Deadpool makes me laugh so hard sometimes)
Spider-Man Fever #1 (Trippy as fuck!)
Dark Wolverine #84 (Haven't gotten to read these ones yet)
Captain America Black Panther : Flags of Out Fathers #1
Avengers Origin #1
New Mutants #11
Amazing Spider-Man #627 (Still haven't gotten #626 yet... dammit)
EDIT : 4/12/10
Recieved :
Thor #608
Amazing Spider-Man #626
Avengers : The Initiative #34
That is THE last time I'm ordering ANYTHING from "Dee Puppy Comics" on Amazon..... This was a FOUR WEEK wait for these damn books.
EDIT #2!
Amon Amarth - Fate of Norns
Demolition Hammer - Epidemic of Violence (The case CRACKED!!!

Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
Rush - Moving Pictures
Got these a few days early!
Now to Amazon for comic books!