Recent Purchases

Assassin's Creed 2 soundtrack
12 issue subscription to Marvel Adventures Spider-Man for the little brothers
Deep Purple - Pictures Of Home

DAMN! That bass solo is SICK:OMG: The whole song is one really bad mudda fucka:notworthy

Oops:p Wrong thread:lol:

Uuh, Whopper meal with coke and garlic dip
Recieved :
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #37
Avengers #1
Dark Wolverine #86
Doomwar #4
Thor #610
Thunderbolts #144
Wolverine Origins #48
X-Force #27

Ordered :
Avengers Prime #1
Avengers Origin #3
Captain America/Black Panther : Flasg Of Our Fathers #3
Hawkeye and Mockingbird #1

Essential X-Men Vol.3

Black Pyramid - Black Pyramid
I'm thinking of either the Warlock or Virgin right now, seeing as they're relatively cheap and awesome, but I might get an even cheaper one so I can pimp it :lol: But probably; this or this .
I was the only bidder, so I just put in the minimum and got an email later (I'd completely forgot that I'd bid on it) saying I'd won it for £50 :lol: I got me some nice artwork for those plectrums as well ( LOOKATIT! ) :)

EDIT:- There's a few others that look like they might go for that sort of price as well...