Recent purchases


doesn't work biatch

Lucky you!

Was roaming eBay and it seems with some of the rarities people are silly enough to put them up with extremely low starting bids and buyers aren't actively looking so...pow wow, those 3 limited prints for a grand total of 30 bucks.

There is a red vinyl of RTC up right now for only 10.50 ...however the shipping on it is 35...I would actually do that if I weren't stuck not being able to work for a couple weeks here.
We should start a bit for the collectors to help each other keep track of where certain pressings etc are available and what not.

I fear I will never be able to add Unblessing the Purity, Immolation - Providence, or the limited print RTC to my collection.
The Almighty - Powertrippin :worship:



Yeah I got two copies of this baby. Svart fucked up so the white edition that I ordered had two disc1 and was missing the liner notes booklet.
They sent me a new one and it was the Black edition, Im not sure how I feel about this. :(