Recent purchases

got no pics... but I can show jew the design (also, I'm not a girl, don't be ghey ffs, don't ask me for pics like you wanna stare at me :erk:)

thanks... now I just have to find the soul of a new machine t-shirt and I'll be happy fo' real :D


too bad it's not official merch so I will never find it most probably :(

it's ok dave... I know FF is a love it or hate it thing... most people here hate them so yeah, jew all fucken suck donkey farts! :p
The truth is that once I've listened 4-5 tracks and they were just fucken boring songs with stupid vox, lyrics and shitty guitar work, so if you can show me a good track I give it a try :D
The truth is that once I've listened 4-5 tracks and they were just fucken boring songs with stupid vox, lyrics and shitty guitar work, so if you can show me a good track I give it a try :D

shit... let me see... the main thing is that if you don't like them then there's nothing to do really... try this 2 songs

if you don't like them then just quit FF for good, you will never get into them, period :) and then fucken DIE!
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I don't understand shit, it's a swedish site :p
Any international linky?Or just the name of the shoes so I can find them?
aww poor jocke, is that because everyone is making fun of your girly all-star?