Recommend a band thread (with a slight variation)


Infernal Garden Gnome
Oct 14, 2001
Well, this is your general, run-of-the-mill "recommend a band" thread only with one twist; the band has to be one that most on the board probably havn't heard before. It shouldn't be very hard to do since you should have a general idea of what people on the board like in the first place.

I recommend Motorpsycho, a weird, mellow, proggy band. They're a bit like a more mainstream Ulver, starting as a metal band and moving through several stages before emerging as a weird "psychedelic" 70's band on their last 2 albums. Songs to get are "Vortex Surfer" and "Radiance Freq", as well as "Watersound."

Enjoy :)
Sigh- Finally gaining a little recognition, largely due to signing with Century Media prior to the release of Imaginary Sonicscape earlier this year. Warm classic rock inflected post-black metal...on an acid trip.

Fleurety- The last word in avant-garde post black metal. Tends toward jazzy and subdued, yet quite dark. Brilliant
Originally posted by Armageddon's Child
Windham Hell, neo-Baroque dark metal (primarily instrumental) with perhaps the finest lead work in all of metal.
Could someone tell me more about this band? I was reading about them and they sound like a band I should definitely check out. Also, anyone know where I could get one of their albums?
I think most people have heard of 'em through LOFTP.
Novembrine Waltz is a great album. Musically they're up there, vocals are a bit weak imo.
PORE (yes, all in upper case!). Two French art students doing some seriously strange music. A combo of neo-classical shred, black metal, grinding death metal, dark ambient, industrial, military marches, and dance (!). Features pounding industrial/dance-like drum beats, neoclassical guitar leads, ambient interludes, warped processed BM style vocals mixed with very low DM style vocals, and lyrics in German. Very strange indeed. In late '99 I purchased their first demo De Profundis. This album manages to be so cool and experimental, while keeping the insanely cold raw power of early 90's BM. Great. After several e-mails went unanswered, I figured that they had disappeared, but this year they reeased another demo, this time self-titled. Very cool as well...
Ummmmm....Jayde, I'm quite sure most people here have been quite aware of Borknagar since around 95 or so, but, yes, THEY FUCKING ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't care if people are aware of it or not. Maybe I'm just ignorant, but I hadn't heard of them till a few days ago. So excuse the fuck out of me! :mad:
Originally posted by Useful Idiot

Could someone tell me more about this band? I was reading about them and they sound like a band I should definitely check out. Also, anyone know where I could get one of their albums?

This site is the most comprehensive I know of, and even features samples from their superb Window of Souls release (be forewarned that they are in Real Audio format, however).
sorry, wasn't trying to piss you off...and I DID second your opinion that Borknagar does fucking rock and deserves to be in every individuals CD collection!
Originally posted by Armageddon's Child
Fleurety- The last word in avant-garde post black metal. Tends toward jazzy and subdued, yet quite dark. Brilliant

yep,i wanna recommend Fleurety cause they are so unique....That was obvious even from their first release....
Btw,what do you think on "Min Tid skal komme",Armageddon's child?
Virgin Black from sunny (yeah right) Australia....

Their album, 'Sombre Romantic' is perfect for those lonely times of introspection. Violin, keyboards, chants, choir, tenor vocals... I highly recommend it.
Another Australian band..! :)
I mentioned them on the Australian people thread, but hey!

The band is Pathogen.. fucking excellent..
Download their latest MP3 from
It's called "Shallow"... Well worth a listen!!
Hmmm...ok i don´t know if you know them:err:
But a very cool band called Cardinal Sin with the guitarist from Dissection John Zwetsloot they have an amazing demo out called Spiteful Intents and soon a album...
Originally posted by Melancholia

yep,i wanna recommend Fleurety cause they are so unique....That was obvious even from their first release....
Btw,what do you think on "Min Tid skal komme",Armageddon's child?

Unique, surely they are.
Good...? I'm not so sure.
Demilich is one not so well-known band that unfortunately made only one album before breaking up. All of you may not like them but at least I do and recommend to give them a listen.
Most unordinary thing are the extremily low vocals

EDIT: I of course meant low vocals, not slow. (It took me over a week to edit that :eek:)