Recommend me some wanky tasteless metal

How about:

Anal Cunt
Cattle Decapitation
pretty much any other grindcore band
Cradle of Filth
Children of Bodom

and many more I can't think of right now.
Vital Remains said:
CACOPHONY??????!??? CACOPHONY???!?!?!?!?! oh my fucking god. jason becker and friedman are the shit man. how can you say that??? Well sure the gayish-bug hair is wanky, but come one man. i cant fucking believe it. Do you play guitar?

I do play guitar, and I have their album "Speed Metal Symphony". It's probably the most boring CD I've ever heard. The song "Concerto" is amazing, and "Ninja" is good, but the 5 other tracks are painfull to listen to... Becker and Friedman have some great technical skill, and they do write some good stuff, but the majority of it is just shit.

If they were more consistent, I'd have better things to say about them. But I cant stand "One Hit Wonders", because they really only ever wrote one good song.

EDIT: I think Necrophagist is pretty good, very unique, and certainly interesting... call it wanking if you want, I think its good stuff.
Cythraul said:
You're an idiot. I don't even like Megadeth or Cacophony but I know that Friedman is the very definition of a good lead guitarist.

He's okay. Solid player but nothing interesting about him. He's not revolutionary, he doesn't stand out.

"still holdin ur hand sup"

Not much. Still holdin your hand. sup?
Does grind even count as wanky? By the generally accepted definition of wanky, I'd say it was the opposite. Cattle Decapitation's sloppy grind-death stuff is polar to the surgical precision of Spastic Ink.
Vital Remains said:
i probably did, but necrophagist isnt tasteless

necrophagist fits this thread perfectly, necrophagist is a terrible technical band.. and it seems they don't have the ability to write good music... all they do is write something as technical as possible....
swizzlenuts said:
necrophagist fits this thread perfectly, necrophagist is a terrible technical band.. and it seems they don't have the ability to write good music... all they do is write something as technical as possible....

They're not as bad as say... Psycroptic, though.
swizzlenuts said:
necrophagist fits this thread perfectly, necrophagist is a terrible technical band.. and it seems they don't have the ability to write good music... all they do is write something as technical as possible....

agreed, they're not the greatest song writers or the best in terms of how technical they are, yet they're very easy (and for me at least, enjoyable) to listen to.
Moon of Amber said:
They're not as bad as say... Psycroptic, though.

i think you are wrong... psycroptic at least writes songs very well, but they just happen to be technical....completly opposite of necrophagist
On the heavier end of the spectrum, Cryptopsy, with their uber-technical riffs that are complex for the sake of being complex, yet lack any kind of melody or unity. However, I'm sure you've heard them. So check out Thronesbreed. They sound like an early Swedish dm band playing Cryptopsy's latest CD. Very technical and wanky (and heavy as FUCK), and tasteless.
I'm fucking tired of people ripping on Cryptopsy. I must be the only one that can hear the melodies in their riffs.