Recommend some thrash!

Krigloch the Furious

Pants full of poo
Dec 10, 2003
Springfield, IL
Im not a huge thrash fan.
but a couple of the bands that I do like are...
Mantic Ritual
Warbringer are ok

Havent really done a whole lot of looking for thrash, but I'd like to expand a little bit.
On the Vektor side of things...

On the Havok side of things... (gonna assume you already know Testament and Exodus)

And Mantic Ritual...

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Get some (if not ALL) Exodus!
Gama Bomb are good fun party thrash.
Depends what you're after really - I prefer the fun, moshy, party stuff, but there's a lot of good serious technical stuff out there too.
Ps Heathen - "Victims of Deception" is a great thrash album in the same vein as Metallica's ..and justice for all.
Dammit somebody beat me to Obliveon, props.

Cynic demos are some of the best thrash I've ever heard:

some other cool stuff

then "Beneath The Remains" which is my favourite thrash album ever.
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Artillery's Fear Of Tomorrow album is pretty good 80's thrash.
Can't go wrong with their first 3 albums, awesome stuff!

Here's some more, should be of interest if you like Vektor:


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