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Teh Grimarse said:
maybe in Frisco and certain bondage circles...
Yeah, I also heard he had some new wave band back in 80's, something the kids could really dance to but we'll always remember him for his marriage of politics and bondage.

and i answer with a resounding "prolly not derp derp".
I thought he did that 'Take On Me' song. Y'know, taaaaaaaaaaaaake ooooooooooon meeeeeeeeee'llllllllllll beeeeeeee goooooooonne In a day ooorr twooooooooooooooo0o00o00o0o00o0o00o0o0o0ooooo0000oo0oooo00000000000
I'm still looking for some sludge/doom recommendations. something in the vein of Corrupted but more atmospheric and obscure.
I need Death Doom. Not Trad Doom, not Stoner Doom, not Funeral Doom, not Drone Doom. I want some Death Doom. I know the following.

Early My Dying Bride
Early Anathema
Early Katatonia
Early Paradise Lost
Dream Death
and pseudo Death Doom bands like Incantation and Asphyx
i stongly reccomend wintersun, there kinda like viking black with power metal influences, extremely good. only one cd but i beleive there recording another one this month... wait is it april yet?

o and btw
who the hell is this, i think they got really good reviews but i can't remember the name

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