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V.V.V.V.V. said:
Acid Bath are really not sludge doom alot.

Check out:

Buried At Sea
Ocean Chief

Buried at Sea is a band you listen to while doing homework... They are pretty slwo moving.
I recommend MORBID ANGELLL all their songs.
It's slow and painful.
Bt it can go crazy fast.
Got to love it.
I would like to say, Behemoth and Bathory pwn you all.
And anything you recommend by them, WILL FUCKING PWN YOU.
not music, but i recommend the muchacos from taco bueno with lots of salsa caliente (which is still pussy hot sauce but it's the hottest they have there, and it makes them taste better never the less).

if it wasn't fucking 4 am i'd go grab me a couple right now.

drunk post. sorry. beer munchies.
Has anyone heard the new Aborym album? I really liked With No Human Intervention for the most this one worth getting too?
I shall make a hit and run raid on this thread and ask for reccomendations on music in the same genre as each of these bands, better music if possible. The names were dropped by someone off of another forum as reccomendations to me...

Bolt Thrower

Tyr (I like this style, whatever it actually is classed as...)

Gamma Ray
Helloween....basically the same actually.

And some silly fast power metal remeniscent of DragonForce plx.

Those are just bands that I have heard a bigger lump of music from than others. God it's hard to find metal for me. I have a load of other bands I've just scooted point listing them all.
witchhunterni said:
I shall make a hit and run raid on this thread and ask for reccomendations on music in the same genre as each of these bands, better music if possible. The names were dropped by someone off of another forum as reccomendations to me...

Bolt Thrower

Tyr (I like this style, whatever it actually is classed as...)

Gamma Ray
Helloween....basically the same actually.

And some silly fast power metal remeniscent of DragonForce plx.

Those are just bands that I have heard a bigger lump of music from than others. God it's hard to find metal for me. I have a load of other bands I've just scooted point listing them all.

Soul Source, Manowar, Sonota Arctica, Rhapsody

Those are some good cheesy power type bands
Drunkard is probably the closest to the Pleasure To Kill era. Haven't listened to that in a while. Too bad there will never be a follow-up...
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