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I actually bought nearly all of Stijn Van Cauter's releases not that long ago, but that kinda stuff (as well as his other projects Organium and Until Death Overtakes Me) is pretty much what i want. I haven't heard the 2nd and 3rd bands you mentioned, but i'll be sure to ASAP. Thanks!
Carcassian said:
You mentioned folk, and therefore it's my solem duty as an Englishman to remind you of the awesome brilliance of Skyclad
: the music is good, but you'll stay for the lyrics.

I think I'll add my voice to this show of national pride. Skyclad kick vast amounts of ass.
Mumblefood said:
I need some funeral doom/drone doom. Uber slow, uber atmospheric stuff. plz.

Uber slow huh?

Tyranny - Tides Of Awakening
Ocean - Here Where Nothing Grows
Beyond Sensory Experience - Pursuit Of Pleasure(only some creepy sound fx, no instruments)
Décadent said:
Fall of the Grey-Winged One - Death Time Emptyness

Only some of it is worth anything. In general, stay away from things Stijn does not named Until Death Overtakes Me, as UDOM actually has a vision and isn't just him fucking around with Fruity Loops MIDI sequencing and a severely downtuned bass and marketing it...

You need Rigor Sardonicous however...
I was wondering if you could recommend me some new bands, and maybe what songs\albums to start with :)
I use to listen to Metallica, Mastodon, In flames, Immortal Souls and so on. Some death metal and mastodon`ish (not sure what genre mastodon is) metal would have been appreciated :headbang:
Erik said:
this was funny

but i'm not sure i agree

well ok i guess udom also has severely downtuned guitar but that's not really a "vision" is it
How downtuned is "severly"? Just curious.
Mastodont said:
I was wondering if you could recommend me some new bands, and maybe what songs\albums to start with :)
I use to listen to Metallica, Mastodon, In flames, Immortal Souls and so on. Some death metal and mastodon`ish (not sure what genre mastodon is) metal would have been appreciated :headbang:

I would say Mastodon is straight metal with some sludge influences. I would recommend Bolt Thrower for you, as it is Death Metal, but it is mid-paced.
Erik said:
i don't know. probably A or something.
Yeah, I was only wondering because A is probably the lowest I've ever heard of a band going. I thought maybe they went beyond that.
Mastodont said:
I was wondering if you could recommend me some new bands, and maybe what songs\albums to start with :)
I use to listen to Metallica, Mastodon, In flames, Immortal Souls and so on. Some death metal and mastodon`ish (not sure what genre mastodon is) metal would have been appreciated :headbang:

One very good album that compares well with Mastodon is Taint's The Ruin of Nova Roma which was released last year. Sample at

Keeping with modern albums From Mars to Sirius by Gojira is a very fresh sounding death metal album that manages to incorperate classic elements into a more experimental approach. Samples at

For classic DM a favourite album of mine that's often overlooked is Disincarnate's Dreams of the Carrion Kind.
Erik said:
this was funny

but i'm not sure i agree

well ok i guess udom also has severely downtuned guitar but that's not really a "vision" is it

well...what i mean is UDOM has a purpose and an actual semblance to doom whereas FOTGWO is usually pretty abstract etc.
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