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I'm looking for something along the lines of Bal Sagoth, with a lot of orchestration and symphonic type songs. So far I havent really run into anything similiar to them, so does anyone have anything for me?
Montu Sekhmet said:
I'm looking for something along the lines of Bal Sagoth, with a lot of orchestration and symphonic type songs. So far I havent really run into anything similiar to them, so does anyone have anything for me?

Turisas is THE most similar band to Bal-Sagoth...
Travisty said:
Could anyone recomend some bands along the lines of Cannibal Corpse, Six Feet Under, and Behemoth.

And I'd like to know what is the best Deicide album for I may be checking them out later.

the original deicide and once upon the cross will kick your ass well!
V.V.V.V.V. said:
I can't ban people, but I will delete posts that don't follow the rules I set up. I realize a lot of you probably find it to be a dumb rule, but capitalization and proper grammar are the best ways to keep from being mistaken for a troll/joke, so in the end, it's all for members' benefits...

Anyone else need recs?

Ironic, then, that you use a pseudo word ('recs') in place of the actual word recommendations. :Smug:
J Mann said:
Ironic, then, that you use a pseudo word ('recs') in place of the actual word recommendations. :Smug:

Shhh. I'm allowed to be a hypocrite. :p

And I don't mind shit like that, it's e-slang that kills me...
Rumpole said:
To be honest I'm not really sure, there's a few I know of, but not sure if they're any good or not - Blood Duster (the most obvious), Fuck I'm Dead, The Kill, The Day Everything Became Nothing, just check MA. I'm not from Melbourne, just heading over there for a holiday next week.

what about Warsore and Udinisim?
immo said:
Man i really don't see what's the big deal with Phoenix Rising... i find nothing special about it, Unchain The Wolves is much much better imo. But maybe i haven't listened to it enough.

Too fucking right...I mean, what the fucking fuck?
I recently read the review for Skyforger: Battle of Saul on this site, and it seems pretty interesting. What other Skyforger cds should I check out?
That's a pretty general request. Just look through the thread for something you want in specific, and get it.
I'm not familiar with Spiritual Beggars because I'm not big on stoner metal but if you want some good stoner metal in the vain of Black Sabbath check out Spirit Caravan's Jug Fulla Sun.
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