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Authentic Metalhead said:
What are the best Katatonia/My Dying Bride albums to start with?

Brave Murder Day and Turn Loose The Swans (for you, though I would personally choose As The Flower Withers which is far more straight Death Metal).
Authentic Metalhead said:
What are the best Katatonia/My Dying Bride albums to start with?

Katatonia - Dance of December Souls or Brave Murder Day
My Dying Bride - The Angel and the Dark River
Crimson Velvet said:
Was Terror Abraxas on that torrent? If so, listen to "Trialed by Fire" and "Those Who Dare Beyond", damnit!
yes terror abraxas is on it but its not quite done yet, i let it dl over night at like 2k just woke up its around 15k...i want these songs so badly!
It sure is pretty emo OOOOOOOO PWNED LOL

seriously though the whiny bitch vocals are fucking abysmal
Necuratul said:
It sure is pretty emo OOOOOOOO PWNED LOL

seriously though the whiny bitch vocals are fucking abysmal

The passion with which they are sung is great. Especially on the live tracks that come on TAatDR.
TAATDR is great. The live tracks are worth the purchase alone. Cry of Mankind is one of the most gripping sorrow filled songs ever written.
Life Sucks said:
Speaking of D666, when the fuck are the coming out with a new album? It's about time. I think that Phoenix Rising is their best CD. Then Cold Steel, and then Unchain the Wolves. I am sure I'm the only one here that would rank their full lengths that way.
Man i really don't see what's the big deal with Phoenix Rising... i find nothing special about it, Unchain The Wolves is much much better imo. But maybe i haven't listened to it enough.
Could anyone recomend some bands along the lines of Cannibal Corpse, Six Feet Under, and Behemoth.

And I'd like to know what is the best Deicide album for I may be checking them out later.
Travisty said:
There I fixed it.

But don't expect me to do it again, you can gouge your eyes out for all i care.

You'll just be gone. No use gouging out eyes when you can ban people.
I can't ban people, but I will delete posts that don't follow the rules I set up. I realize a lot of you probably find it to be a dumb rule, but capitalization and proper grammar are the best ways to keep from being mistaken for a troll/joke, so in the end, it's all for members' benefits...

Anyone else need recs?
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