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What are The Black Dahlia Murder like? I'm considering going to see them live this week, mainly because Psycroptic are supporting, but I'm just wondering if TBDM are worth hanging around for...

TBDM... meh. Don't bother. Then again... if you already paid for the show why not?
TBDM... meh. Don't bother. Then again... if you already paid for the show why not?

I'm hoping to get a freebie, and I've gotta work early the next morning. Cheers for the (non)recommendation. :lol:

What are they like though? From what I can gather they're melodic Death Metal or something. Yeah/nah?
I'm hoping to get a freebie, and I've gotta work early the next morning. Cheers for the (non)recommendation. :lol:

What are they like though? From what I can gather they're melodic Death Metal or something. Yeah/nah?
Think Slaughter of the Soul with even more annoying vocals.

@Agoliant Lives: You do have great taste :kickass: . Although I am not a big fan of Vile. I got Depopulate and it really bored me.
Hey guys I need to know some good songs from Opeth I have looked into these guys but I am yet to find a good song by them Please help me.
Hey guys I need to know some good songs from Opeth I have looked into these guys but I am yet to find a good song by them Please help me.

Mornigrise, is a good cd to start. That's really the only thing I ever really listen to. I used to listen to a lot of em, but lost interest quick. Deliverance I think was good, as well as Bleak, and the Leper Affinity (or however you spell it) were songs I enjoyed the most, as well as everything off Damnation.
I hate bands like Decrepit Birth.

The music is like

dun dun single notes

dun dun dun single notes

Do bands like that even try to make a song.
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