Is there such thing as an acoustic band with low vocals ?
You really need to listen to it, I don't know what more to say. There is an atmosphere of melancholy, a slight edginess, but also a comforting, almost nostalgic feeling as well. Maybe it will impact others differently, but for me it's a really special album (and I might say, far more so than other Roxy Music I've heard which can be pretty bad).What kind of Atmosphere is applied.
I meant low vocals as
or someone who failed at going to the bathroom
wow I'm really getting sick of being in the minority here.
I don't love them, but they get more crap than they deserve imo. They aren' that bad.Decrepit Birth really do suck.
Is it different from their later material? I find their later material to be kind of cheesy.
Your definition of cheesy is severely flawed.
Mine must be too because I find their later material to be some of the cheesiest crap I've ever heard. Velveeta metal.
I blame Vintersorg for any cheesiness that may have seeped into their sound. But with Garm and Vortex the cheese is absent.
The clean vocals and overuse of keyboards are very cheesy imo.
I actually really like the two latest Vintersorg albums, speaking of him.