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My guess is that Mystic Forest would be right up your alley but you might already have them...

Yeah, I've got them already. Absolutely amazing band, not even an exaggeration like I tend to do with bands I like.

I'll look into Artefact, Zephyrus thanks. If you happen to have anything from them you think I'd be able to pick it off of you on slsk or something?
Okay, I'm in search of French black metal. I have most of the basics so try'n make it not obvious.
I know that you already worship Belenos.... and i'm sure you also know the mighty Deathspell Omega.
Hmmm try these:
Mütiilation - Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul
Vlad Tepes - March to the Black Holocaust
Alcest - Le Secret (i'm sure you will like this one)
I know that you already worship Belenos.... and i'm sure you also know the mighty Deathspell Omega.
Hmmm try these:
Mütiilation - Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul
Vlad Tepes - March to the Black Holocaust
Alcest - Le Secret (i'm sure you will like this one)

Yeah, I already know DsO, great band. And yeah, already know those too, great stuff. Have to reget the Vlad Tepes though, deleted it a while back when I didn't have my external HDD. Alcest especially is fantastic.
Can you people recommend me your top 10 oldschool death metal albums? I have been on a death metal spree as of late. Also include some others that are worth mentioning but may be not as popular (or otherwise wouldn't make it on your list). Thanks in advance.
haemoth is a good french bm band

and merrimack but you probably know them already (you might know haemoth already for that matter!)
I'm don't know much about old school dm, but it's my favourite subgenre at the moment... after bm :D
So i don't think i know 10 albums (lol) but anyway....
Entombed - Left Hand Path
Epitaph - Seeming Salvation
Miasma - Changes
Therion - Beyond Sanctorum
Tiamat - Sumerian Cry (does this counts?)
Revenant - Prophecies of a Dying World (yesterday i've listened to it for the first time... but it's good!)
i think that's it =/
(i can't wait for Malignance's list :D)
Though I know fuck all about death metal, overall, I'll add to Immo's list:

Incantation - Onward to Golgotha
God Macabre - The Winterlong
Cadaver - In Pains
The Chasm - Deathcult
Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness
hell yea scenepoints++ :cool:

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