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:lol: This is one of those albums I would simply never, ever check out if I saw it in a shop. I guess that's where recommendations are so handy.
you'll be so much more happier once you do check out Phlebotomized. IIS should be deemed as one of the best DM albums, that has not been reviewed yet in Metal Archives. Although I do recall seeing a praising review of it there once but it's been gone for years. Here's a good source of Phlebotomized fanboyism, though:
Do you still think so? I just listened to it for the first time the other day and thought it was really great.

I dunno, I'd have to hear it again, I remember it was on Lethal Records (the same label my old band was on) and looked and sounded quite b-grade at the time. I see it's been re-released by another label, maybe it's been remixed and repackaged or something.

Really? It's insanely good death metal. What did you prefer?

I was way more into American and British DM at the time. With exceptions of course.
My turn...

Top 10 oldschool death metal albums.

1. Amorphis-the karelian isthmus
2. Sentenced-north from here
3. God Macabre-the winterlong
4. Edge of Sanity-unorthodox
5. Demigod-slumber of sullen eyes
6. Morbid Angel-altars of madness
7. Darkthrone-soulside journey
8. Immolation-dawn of possession
9. Unleashed-shadows in the deep
10. Funebre-children of the scorn
Ah, cool kvlt list:) Mine, long-term/some recent old-school addictions:

Cadaver-...In Pains
Eucharist-A Velvet Creation
Phlebotomized-Immense Intense Suspense
Necrophobic-The Nocturnal Silence
Revenant-Prophecies of a Dying World
Atheist-Unquestionable Presence
Atrocity-Longing for Death
Therion-Beyond Sanctorum
Torchure-Beyond the Veil
Demigod-Slumber of Sullen Eyes
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