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Hey all

just heard a few Nile tracks the other day and i quite dig them
I think that they only have 4 full lengths out atm.
Which of them would you recommend I garb?
Danallica said:
Hey all

just heard a few Nile tracks the other day and i quite dig them
I think that they only have 4 full lengths out atm.
Which of them would you recommend I garb?

My favourite by far is 'In Their Darkened Shrines', I'd also recommend you stay clear of the new one, although not terrible, it's not as good as their previous releases.
Killbot said:
My favourite by far is 'In Their Darkened Shrines', I'd also recommend you stay clear of the new one, although not terrible, it's not as good as their previous releases.

I got that today it fuckin rocks man! :kickass: :kickass: :rock:
Killbot said:
Could anyone recommend some good British metal online distos?
kolobos distribution (run by Tim from Gorerotted)
Supernal Music (run by a fucking nazi)
Copro Distribution
Earache metal market
Hey i'm sorta new to the whole "extreme" metal scene but i've really gotten into Cryptopsy. According to wikipedia they are considered technical death metal and had a whole listing of recommended bands. I was wondering what you guys would recommend.
MetalNub said:
Hey i'm sorta new to the whole "extreme" metal scene but i've really gotten into Cryptopsy. According to wikipedia they are considered technical death metal and had a whole listing of recommended bands. I was wondering what you guys would recommend.
I would just like to say good job on finding the Recommendations Thread on your first post. Dodens will be proud of you.
MetalNub said:
Hey i'm sorta new to the whole "extreme" metal scene but i've really gotten into Cryptopsy. According to wikipedia they are considered technical death metal and had a whole listing of recommended bands. I was wondering what you guys would recommend.

I love you for not making an entirely new thread. Unfortunately for you, I don't know much about Technical Death Metal, but popular bands in the genre include Gorguts, Necrophagist, and Spawn Of Possession.
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