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Ex-cally-boo said:
Alright, so ... after listening to Bloodbath last night I decided to check out some old school Swedish death metal. I only got around to hearing Necrophobic (The Nocturnal Silence and Darkside) and Entombed (Left Hand Path & Clandestine) and I loved it. So what I would like is for you to recommend me some Old School Swedish death metal.

Carnage - Dark Recollections
Comecon - Megatrends In Brutality
Crypt Of Kerberos - World Of Myths
Dismember - Like An Everflowing Stream
Dismember - Indecent And Obscene
Dismember - The God That Never Was
Excruciate - Beyond The Circle
God Macabre - The Winterlong
Gorement - Darkness Of The Dead
Grave - Into The Grave
Grave - You'll Never See
Grotesque - In The Embrace Of Evil
Morbid - December Moon
Nihilist - Demos
Ribspreader - Bolted To The Cross
Therion - Of Darkness
Therion - Beyond Sanctorum
Unleashed - Whatever The First One Is
Unleashed - Shadows In The Deep
Unleashed - Across The Open Sea
Dodens Grav said:
Carnage - Dark Recollections
Comecon - Megatrends In Brutality
Crypt Of Kerberos - World Of Myths
Dismember - Like An Everflowing Stream
Dismember - Indecent And Obscene
Dismember - The God That Never Was
Excruciate - Beyond The Circle
God Macabre - The Winterlong
Gorement - Darkness Of The Dead
Grave - Into The Grave
Grave - You'll Never See
Grotesque - In The Embrace Of Evil
Morbid - December Moon
Nihilist - Demos
Ribspreader - Bolted To The Cross
Therion - Of Darkness
Therion - Beyond Sanctorum
Unleashed - Whatever The First One Is
Unleashed - Shadows In The Deep
Unleashed - Across The Open Sea

Thanks, so far I've listened to the two Grave albums, the Ribspreader, and Dismember - The God That Never Was ,and damn this is awesome. I of course already knew and love the Crypt of Kerberos and Therion albums.
Dodens Grav said:
Carnage - Dark Recollections
Comecon - Megatrends In Brutality
Crypt Of Kerberos - World Of Myths
Dismember - Like An Everflowing Stream
Dismember - Indecent And Obscene
Dismember - The God That Never Was
Excruciate - Beyond The Circle
God Macabre - The Winterlong
Gorement - Darkness Of The Dead
Grave - Into The Grave
Grave - You'll Never See
Grotesque - In The Embrace Of Evil
Morbid - December Moon
Nihilist - Demos
Ribspreader - Bolted To The Cross
Therion - Of Darkness
Therion - Beyond Sanctorum
Unleashed - Whatever The First One Is
Unleashed - Shadows In The Deep
Unleashed - Across The Open Sea


Asphyx - The Rack
Asphyx - Last One on Earth

yes, I know Asphyx is not Swedish (though I fail to see what the importance is of country of origin), but they are as good, if not better, than most of the bands least the early stuff
God Macabre is a must have. Add to the list:

Unanimated - Ancient God of Evil
Cemetary - An Evil Shade of Grey

I never understood the love for Therion though ... I think they are overrated.
spideyjg said:
Old metal head here who is way out of touch.

Tonight I heard "Wings of a Butterfly" by HIM on the radio. I really like their sound and have their website running in the background.

Now I appeal to all you up to date metal experts, Who are some bands that are in that realm?

What I don't like are cookie monster vocals, every distortion effect ever created chained together and all instruments played through it all the time, pseudo satanic gobbledy gook, unintelligible vocals, or speed for speeds sake. I play bass so bad bass playing or muddied distorted bass is a big turn off as well.

I cut my teeth on Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Queensryche, Scorpions, and the metal of that era.

Got some bands Like HIM that I can check out via a website before dropping any coin?


As someone stated Piece of Mind, Powerslave, and Live after Death are a great place to start. Every IM CD has highlights and lowlights but those three have the fewest lowlights. IMHO.

Recent Katatonia, recent Amorphis, recent Paradise Lost, recent Sentenced, etc...
byrne said:
God Macabre is a must have. Add to the list:

Unanimated - Ancient God of Evil
Cemetary - An Evil Shade of Grey

I never understood the love for Therion though ... I think they are overrated.

I completly agree *high five*
More recomendations.

Tiamat: Sumarian Cry- Swedish style death metal from 89 with a more oldschool vibe. Very raw in a great way. Recorded at sunlight studios. As far as I know this and left hand path are the first swedish death metal fullengths.

The Astral Sleep- Doomy/death/black metal with some expirimentation. This album is a landmark for 91 in my opinion. Tiamat starts expirimenting with acoustic guitars and better solos. very cool album

Clouds- Heavy progressive doom that rocks hard.

Wildhoney- The last tiamat I enjoy. Some doomy elements remain, but the music for the most part is soft and expirimental. I usually do not like music like this.

Darkthrone 'soulside journey'. Darkthrones debut death metal album that in my opinion is better than 90% of death metal albums. Soulside Journey is different than any death metal at the time. To top if off the guitar tone and production is plain and simply badasss. Soulside Journey can get pretty weird. This album would scare any religious person.

Amorphis: the karelian isthmus. One of the greatest and most original death metal albums for the time. Very unique.

favorite songs: the gathering,the lost name of god,the sign from the north and Grails Mysteries. It would have been cool if amorphis had a fullength before the karelian isthmus. I remember some of the bands first demo's that had songs not re-recorded that were very killer.

Tales from the thousand lake- Just listen to it for yourself.

It's cool someone else listens to Gorement. The ending quest sounds like a mix between slumber of sullen eyes and the karelian isthmus to me.
I'm not a big fan of Gorement, actually. It's a bit on the boring side, but worth checking out. Finns do that style much better.
Finns do the style better. It's still cool a swedish DM band did not exactly do the samething as say dismember or entombed.

Swizzlenuts is not to fond of gorement either. I think it's great dark and atmospheric. It's not as good as some of the other classic oldschool death metal albums but anyone into oldschool death metal should give it a shot especially if they like DM on the doomy side.

I actually like the ending quest more than the winterlong. The Winterlong is very good, but alittle short. Sometimes I think it's perfect and other times to short. The band could have done alittle more.

Do you know any early 90's finland and swedish death metal albums that I might not know about. I said I did not want anymore recomendation but now do ha. Don't recomend morpheus because the vocals ruin them for me.
I wish I did...I tend to avoid things that I can't actually track down and buy because it annoys me, so my knowledge is usually restrained to that.
That's a reason why I do not look into underground music as much anymore. I don't want music to turn into a hassle.

For example.... I have not been able to track down imperial doom or dawn of possession for a decent price for a few years and they're some of my favorite albums. It's amazing how some of these oldschool swedish,finland death metal albums get re-released but bigger bands like monstrosity or immolations early albums don't get re-released. Immolation is a pretty big death metal band.
You're in luck, mate. Metal Mind productions in Poland is reissuing Dawn Of Possession with bonus tracks this month.
swizzlenuts said:
I completly agree *high five*

You both need to give of darkness and beyond sanctorum another listen, especially beyond sanctorum.

Beyond Sanctorum is plain and simply one of the best death metal albums. You're both crazy.

Therion was barely 18 when recording of darkness and most of the album was written during the late 80's. I think the album is solid for early 90's death metal even though you can tell the band are amatuerish. They thrashed pretty hard and heavy for youngins.
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