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They did away with the top hats over 5 years ago. They go for the spikey shin-guards these days. Hopefully they are getting more serious about their image.

Latest band photo:


can you say massive tools?? :lol: :lol: :lol:
"Raabjørn speiler Draugheimens skodde". This is a good song, i don't care what other say.

Da Den Kristne Satte Livet Til!

(aaaaaaaaahhhhh aaaahhhhhhhh aaahhhhhh

aaaaaahhhh aaahhhhhhhh aaaaahhhhhh)

I am.

Also, I've never listened to Doom Metal before, but from how people describe it, I think it sounds interesting. Could someone rec me some Doom?

Start with:

Candlemass - Epicus Metallicus Doomicus
Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath (get discog.)
Pentagram - Pentagram
Saint Vitus - Saint Vitus (get discog.)
Cathedral - Forest of Equilibrium
No matter what they do with their image they will still sound gay.
How did Shagrath go from Fimbulwinter to Dimmu Borgir is beyond me.

I thought For All Tid and Stormblast were pretty good in the grand scheme of black metal, and DCA was pretty good despite not really being black metal. Don't seem to listen to 'em often, though.

Please recommend me some relatively easy-to-find-but-not-obvious symphonic black metal.
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